Cashing in on the power of live video

Cashing in on the power of live video

An easy way to boost your engagement and sales. 

What sticks with you better, the information you absorbed from a blog post you read, or what you learned from the last video you watched? Even if you love reading, as many people do, the human brain tends to prefer moving images to static text. When you watch your favorite sporting event, you are viewing action and processing it visually. If you miss a big game and have to read about it later to find out what happened, there is just not the same excitement as there is when you view the action itself.

This is because, like the old saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words.

Actually, science has proven that a picture is roughly worth about 60,000 words. This is because your brain processes images about 60,000 times faster than it does text. Video is also processed virtually instantly, as opposed to text. Even if a video clip lasts just 1 second, your brain processes all that is going on immediately. This is not what happens when you read text, because your brain has to string together individual letters to make words, words to make sentences, sentences to make paragraphs, and so on.

What is Your Brand ‘Voice’?

What is Your Brand ‘Voice’?

You’ve come up with a great idea, you’re all ready to roll it out to the public and start spending huge amounts of money, time and effort on it, but before you rush into anything, take a moment to consider whether you’ve covered all bases. One of the things you should really know when starting any business is what your brand’s ‘voice’ is going to be. Luckily, there are several questions you can ask yourself in order to discover what this should be.

What is the Difference Between a Brand and a Logo?

What is the Difference Between a Brand and a Logo?

Whether you’re starting a small business or your own or you’ve just begun a new job in the marketing department of a large company, you might be wondering about brands, logos and what the difference between them really is.  We’ll try to understand the difference between both of them, while also realizing that they are both very important to any organization or entrepreneur.

How to Make Your Brand Memorable to Your Audience

How to Make Your Brand Memorable to Your Audience

Making anything memorable to a large audience can be difficult. Not everybody is interested in the same thing, and not everybody will be interested in your business and what you have to say. The first thing you’ll need to do is come to terms with the fact that not everybody you’re targeting is going to become involved with your business or even like what you’re doing and what you have to say. However, there are many things that you can do to give your business the best chance, and to ensure that your brand remains as memorable as possible to your target audience.

4 Tips for Making Your Brand Stand Out in the Crowd

4 Tips for Making Your Brand Stand Out in the Crowd

When you’re running a business, whether large or small, one of the things that can be make or break to your success is getting your branding and voice right. If you’re competing in a market that is very competitive, it’s important that you know how you can stand out and what you can do in order to get the most from your advertising, customers and company in general. Here are some great tips for helping your brand stand out in the busy crowd.

4 Things You Should Know About Your Target Market

4 Things You Should Know About Your Target Market

Before you start spending time, effort and money on any type of advertising, you should first learn who your target market is and extra information about them which will make your advertising strategies more effective. Without this, you’ll spend money that you don’t really need to spend, and you won’t even get much back from it either. Here are four of the things you should know about your target audience.

Branding for bloggers and small businesses

Branding for bloggers and small businesses

The reason why spoken communication evolved from grunting to specific words is because this improved the odds that your cave-inhabiting ancestors were getting their message across. Whether language is spoken or written, it is generally used to shed more light on the message you are trying to communicate. As long as you are speaking the same language as another person, and you both understand the meaning of the words and phrases you are each using, you can have an enlightening and well-understood discourse.

This is not always the case.

In the situation of the words “brand” and “branding”, a lot of people seem to have very different ideas as to their meaning. Some equate branding with marketing, and while these two business tools are interconnected, they are not the same thing. Others believe that a brand is nothing more than a logo.

Logos can do a very good job delivering a brand message (or not), but in many cases, if someone was to look at a logo without knowing what the corresponding company was about, that logo would give them no knowledge as to what the company does or what it offers.

3 Types of Free Content to Help You Grow Your Email List

3 Types of Free Content to Help You Grow Your Email List

When you’re running a blog, one of the best assets you can work on building from the very beginning is your email list. Not only are people who subscribe to your email list more likely to remember who you are and keep coming back to your website, they are more likely to buy your paid products and programs once you have them.  In order to build a good email list, you need a variety of ways through which it can be built and strengthened.

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