Before you start spending time, effort and money on any type of advertising, you should first learn who your target market is and extra information about them which will make your advertising strategies more effective. Without this, you’ll spend money that you don’t really need to spend, and you won’t even get much back from it either. Here are four of the things you should know about your target audience.
- Basic details
First things first, you need to know the basics like how old your target audience is, if they’re men or women, where they live and what language they speak. Of course, not everyone will be the same age etc. but having an ideal or an average in mind will help you tailor your language and your advertising to attract the right kind of person.
- How much do they earn?
Are you targeting people who earn high amounts of money? This will mainly depend on your product or service, but if you’re selling something expensive, you shouldn’t set up your shop in a little town and attempt to target all the low-income families and low earners. The earnings potential of your target market will inform how and where you advertise, how you price your products and how you position them in the market. If your products are more expensive, you won’t be selling the based on price, you’ll be selling them more on the benefits you can bring the customer (and vice versa).
- What is important to them?
Knowing what matters to your target market can boost your business and sales in so many ways. Firstly, you can use their values in all of your writing and to inform your brand voice. You can include things that matter to them in your sales copy and content, so that they feel connected to you and your brand. Secondly, you can use what matters to them to think about potential problems they might have, and any products or services you could develop to help them solve those problems.
- What are their interests?
Similarly to the above, understanding the interests of your target market is another way to help tailor the content you create to forge a deeper connection with your customers. It may also help you come up with good places to advertise!
Without all of this information, you’ll struggle to really appeal to the audience that you’re trying to target and sell your items to.