When you’re running a blog, one of the best assets you can work on building from the very beginning is your email list. Not only are people who subscribe to your email list more likely to remember who you are and keep coming back to your website, they are more likely to buy your paid products and programs once you have them.  In order to build a good email list, you need a variety of ways through which it can be built and strengthened.

  1. Competitions

You need to have something where people have to give you their email address in order to proceed. A good way to get people interested in by holding competitions – your readers don’t need to do anything other than submit their email address so that they can be contacted if they are a winner. In order to maintain your reputation and credibility, you should ensure that you hold a genuine competition and announce a winner. Publicly announcing the winner on your website (with their permission of course) will also encourage other people to sign up and submit their email addresses.

  1. Offer a freebie

You can offer something free, such as an e-book, but tell your audience they need to give their email address in order to receive it. This means that they get the product or service that they want, and you get their email address to add to your list. If you’re selling any products on your website, offer to give them a small discount if they subscribe to the weekly/monthly newsletter or the mailing list. Most people won’t think twice about giving their email address if it means they get to save some money in return.

  1. Create a list of reasons to subscribe

It’s great if you can communicate to your audience all the benefits of subscribing to your mailing list. Rather than trying to be subtle, it’s often better to be upfront about the fact that you’re going to add them to a mailing list. If people are genuinely interested in your blog, they will be happy to receive updates. The people who are genuinely interested are the most valuable ones to have on your email list, since they are more likely to click on the new posts and links which you send over to them.

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