3 Types of Free Content to Help You Grow Your Email List

3 Types of Free Content to Help You Grow Your Email List

When you’re running a blog, one of the best assets you can work on building from the very beginning is your email list. Not only are people who subscribe to your email list more likely to remember who you are and keep coming back to your website, they are more likely to buy your paid products and programs once you have them.  In order to build a good email list, you need a variety of ways through which it can be built and strengthened.

Run a challenge and grow your following and business

Run a challenge and grow your following and business

Some people are naturally competitive. No matter what they are doing, serious or not, they want to win. They can turn noncompetitive situations, such as folding clothes or washing their car, into a competition with themselves and others. Everyone, to some degree, has a competitive instinct. You just have to know what to do to trigger that response in those people to make it pay off in your business.

Other people are not quite so competitive. Sure, they would rather win than lose, but losing is not always that big of a deal to them. However, these people and the natural-born competitors mentioned earlier most likely want to do one thin… socialize. Just about everyone likes spending time with others who express similar interests and desires. This is a survival fact that has resulted in you and I being here today.

Our ancient ancestors learned it was easier to survive when they hung around in groups, rather than trying to go it alone. This led to the development of the first cities and societies. Loners who tried to brave the elements by themselves had a much higher mortality rate than people who chose to live in socialized groups.

Human beings who live get to pass on their traits and genetic hard-wiring, which is why most people enjoy socializing with others that express similar interests today.

How to Keep Your Facebook Ads Costs Down

While Facebook ads are a great way of advertising your business, it’s still important to keep the costs down in order to stay within budget and make sure that you’re not spending too much money on getting the extra business. The extra revenue you might be earning will only be worth it if you’re able to keep the costs of advertising as low as possible. Here are the ways you can keep the costs of Facebook ads down and ensure you get every click for the lowest possible price.

Facebook Ads vs. Google and Other Ad Options

When you’re just setting up a business or website, you might be feeling a little bit overwhelmed at the amount of options which are available to you. Not only are there hundreds of options when it comes to designing your website, putting content on there and promoting it to your readers, but there are also specific options for advertising your website and posting ads on the internet.

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