Just about everybody loves free stuff. Especially when there is little to no time or cash investment, having an opportunity to win something is pretty neat. Men and women both young and old alike get excited when they think they have a chance to win something that is of value to them.
It is in this way that you can use simple giveaways and contests to improve traffic flow to your website or blog, build your email list, engage your audience and sell your products and services.
Contests and giveaways work great on social media sites. People hate to be sold to when they are on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. But they will quickly sign up to take part in a contest if they believe they have even a remote chance at winning a prize. There are even websites that will advertise your contest for free, boosting your exposure.
Online-Sweepstakes.com, GiveAwayMonkey.com and SweepsAdvantage.com are just a few of the many companies which help you get the word out about your contest or giveaway, and don’t charge a thing to do so. GroupWritingProjects.com will help you host group writing contests where participants create a piece of content based upon a given theme.
KingSumo is the name of a plug-in for WordPress websites that lets you run giveaways to blowup your traffic, build your email list, and sell your services and products. Gleam, Social Contests and ContestFriend are other plug-ins that offer a lot of options for running contests or giving away valuable prizes to help drive traffic.
The largest retailer in the world, Amazon, will promote your giveaway, and they will spend their money and considerable traffic driving expertise to your event. Giveaways and contests can go viral on social media, and companies like Binkd, Heyo and ShortStack help you collect email addresses, come equipped with informative analytics, and can integrate with social media websites so that people have to like your page or share a post to enter your giveaway.
Even a small business owner can experience incredible growth using giveaway contests. Josh Earl, a programmer and freelance writer, used KingSumo to give away a prize valued at just $70. He targeted a specific niche audience, and collected an incredible 187,991 email addresses in just 11 days. His website received nearly 400,000 unique visitors in that time frame, and his business has never been the same. Get started today, putting a simple contest or giveaway to work in your business, and the results can be life-changing.