How Actions Become Habitual

How Actions Become Habitual

In this chapter, we will be discussing just how certain actions become habitual, which will both help you break negative or destructive habits and develop positive ones in their place. But before you can take a single step towards that goal, you first have to understand how you got to where you currently are.

Everyone has habits in their life that they have developed over the years. Some of them are really good for you and others not so much. For example, you might have learned to brush your teeth every morning and every night before bed. This will keep your teeth healthy and it is a habit that will give you a better smile, save you big money at the dentist and prevent a whole lot of pain and suffering (anyone who has ever had a dental extraction will agree wholeheartedly).

On the other hand, you might have developed the habit for procrastination. You definitely aren’t alone. Everyone procrastinates to some degree, and some people make it a way of life. Procrastination happens for many reasons. Sometimes it is the fear of success, the lack of confidence in achieving it and sometimes, it is just a lack of motivation.

What are Successful Habits (or what is Success)?

Before you can start the journey towards being successful and begin building habits that move you along that road, you need to understand what success is. Most people only have a vague idea of success. This prevents them from actually becoming successful because they don’t know where they are going.

It’s like getting in your car and jumping onto the interstate with a full tank of gas, trying to drive to the perfect vacation spot. Odds are, you aren’t going to stumble onto it by accident. You need a destination in mind, and you need a map to get you there.

That’s exactly what this post is designed to be for you – both a way to identify your destination (sort of) and a road map to show you exactly how to get there. But in order to start the journey, you first need to understand what success is, and specifically, what successful habits actually are.

Success Habits – Introduction

Success Habits – Introduction

Everyone wants to be more successful in their life, but actually knowing how to take the steps needed to achieve that success can be mystifying.

Even when you understand what is required, it can be extremely challenging to take action unless you know where you are going.

Most people stumble blindly along, not understanding why they continue to fail at their efforts. But this book is going to change all of that for you.

In fact, this guide is going to give you the tools that you need to finally achieve the success you have always wanted – and that you deserve.

Why You Should Replace Television with Books if you want to be Successful

Why You Should Replace Television with Books if you want to be Successful

Did you know that one of the things that some of the most successful people in the world share in common is that they read books – mostly books on how to improve themselves in a variety of ways.

If you want to follow in the footsteps of people like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, then you are going to want to read books just like they did. That means shutting off the black screen in your living room, removing the Netflix shortcut from your desktop and getting rid of the TV or movie apps on your phone or tablet. Then download a Kindle or an e-reader.

There are good reasons to get rid of television and replace it with reading material. Of course, you may not want to get rid of television completely, although many people who do say that they are much happier afterward and everything they thought they would miss seems of little importance.

Why Motivation Doesn’t Matter

Why Motivation Doesn’t Matter

You may think that motivation is the key to success. Many people do, and that’s why so many people fail at their goals. Motivation is a fickle friend. It’s sort of like the classic literary muse. Sometimes it is there, guiding you along, and sometimes it is as elusive as a breath of fresh air in a fire. Basically, if you wait until you are motivated, you are never going to achieve your goals.

So, what is a person to do then? How do you reach your goals if you aren’t motivated to do so? There is only one way that you can make it through the times when you don’t feel motivated and that is by committing to something and sticking to it.

It is very easy to complete tasks and work on your success when you feel motivated. When you are motivated, every task seems easy and every goal seems achievable. But when you are not motivated, every task seems like total drudgery and your goals seem like they will never be realized.

The Life Cycle of a Major Achievement

The Life Cycle of a Major Achievement

One of the common problems that people have when they are first starting on the road to success is seeing how a major achievement will actually work. It is difficult to see more than the very beginning and the end result – the success. We are going to take an example here, and go through the entire life cycle of an achievement so that you can see how it is actually done and it should motivate you by making the end result much more realistic.

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