Your Remaining Twenty-five Days

Your Remaining Twenty-five Days

So, you have made it through the first five days of your 30 days to success! Congratulations again! Everything from here is a piece of cake, but don’t let your guard down, because you are still going to have days where you feel like giving up, and where you think that this is never going to work and that your brain is unwilling to get the message that these are habits that you need to form.

First of all, take a look back at the past few days. Was it a struggle? If the answer was no, then you might not have been trying hard enough or challenging yourself enough. For most people, getting through the first few days is a major struggle.

But no matter how hard or easy the past few days were, the good news is, now you can forget about that portion of your habit-forming plan. Never again will you have to do those grueling first few days – unless of course, you give up somewhere in the near future and have to start all over again later on.

Your First Five Days

Your First Five Days

In the previous chapter, we discussed how you can build a new habit in 30 days and some of the things that you should expect as you begin the journey. Any period of 30 days where you are developing a new habit can be divided into two parts – the first five days and the remaining 25 days. That’s because the first few days are going to be just as difficult – and quite possibly more difficult – than the remaining 25 days all put together.

30 Days to a New Mindset

30 Days to a New Mindset

One of the major tenets of this book is that you can develop a habit that will completely change your life in about 30 days. This isn’t just a nice idea, but it actually something that you will find to be true. That is, as long as you do it correctly. This chapter will be an overview of how the 30 days to building a new habit will progress and give you a picture of what it actually takes to build a habit.

Identifying Your Triggers

Identifying Your Triggers

In this chapter, we are going to discuss your triggers. Triggers are really interesting psychological elements. Triggers are things that happen in our lives that evoke an emotion, an action, a behavior or a thought.

You have experienced triggers throughout most of your life and you may not even have realized it. For example, when a certain song comes on the radio it may evoke a very specific memory. When you think of a specific moment in your life it may give you a very specific feeling about that moment.

Your good and bad habits work on these very same triggers. For example, someone that is trying to quit smoking often has to deal with the physiological trigger of the smell of cigarette smoke. This can create an almost irresistible urge to smoke again.

How to Stop Bad Habits by Starting Good Ones

How to Stop Bad Habits by Starting Good Ones

If you are planning on changing your life and becoming more successful by stopping your bad habits, you are going about it entirely the wrong way. There is a much better way to stop bad habits and that’s simply by replacing them with good ones.

Let’s get straight into some examples so that you can see exactly what this means for practical purposes. This is a list of some of the bad habits that you might want to change.

Setting Goals

Setting Goals

In order to start your journey towards success and begin developing successful habits you first need to have some goals. This is the destination that was discussed in Chapter One.

Learning how to set goals properly isn’t complicated, but it does need to done the right way. However, the most important thing that you understand about goal setting is that the journey is much more important than the end result.

This was discussed a little in Chapter One. When you have goals and you are on track to reaching them, you are happy. But your happiness isn’t going to become permanent when you finally reach those goals. You will be more satisfied with life and happier, but you are still going to want to set new goals. You will never be satisfied, and that’s perfectly okay.

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