Your First 100 Email Subscribers – Checklist

Use this cheat sheet to keep the most important steps in mind as you grow your email list…

☐ Building your list should be your number one business priority.

☐ Every $1 spent on email marketing returns, on average, $43.

☐ Email is 40 times more successful at getting new customers than Twitter or Facebook.

Looking After Your Email List

The fastest way to build, or destroy, your business is through word-of-mouth advertising. How you treat the people on your list is going to go a long way towards how rapidly your list grows, and how profitable it is to you.

Remember that your list is a collection of real people, with real problems, desires and needs. That is why they downloaded your opt-in bribe and subscribed to your list. They are looking for help and information. Supply what they are looking for, offering free value more often than sales pitches, and you won’t have any problem growing your business.

Send Traffic to Your Freebie

(Volumes could be written on the subject of traffic alone. As this special report is laser focused on getting the first 100 people on your list, we have honed in on a very specific and targeted traffic approach.)

On the Internet, marketers refer to prospects and possible clients as traffic. You need traffic to your offer to build your list. The good thing about developing traffic, sometimes in tidal waves, is that there are literally hundreds of ways to do so. Even so, all traffic boils down to 2 types – paid and free.

How to Make It Easy to Subscribe to Your Email List

Okay, you have created a value oriented, problem-solving opt-in bribe. You have placed it on your website or blog, and integrated it with your autoresponder service. Your next step is to begin attracting traffic.

You have probably seen opt-in boxes and forms on multiple websites. Smart marketers make it very easy for you to subscribe to their list. You are probably on multiple email newsletters and lists right now. One of the reasons you traded your email address for some type of download or other free information is because that business owner made it very easy for you to subscribe.

Creating An Opt-In Bribe for Your Email Marketing

If you have never created an opt-in freebie, download or video, there is no need to start freaking out. This is much easier to do than you may believe. When creating an opt-in bribe, always think quality instead of quantity. A 1-page checklist that teaches a successful process and makes a system pain-free for your subscribers will always work better than a 5-hour video series for building your list.

Getting Set Up with Email Marketing

This is email list building in a nutshell: You create something of value. You give it away to people in exchange for their email address, and the right to send them emails in the future. That is really all there is to building a list, at least theoretically.

This first step in your simple 5 step list building course to fast 100 subscribers cover the nuts and bolts side of getting set up properly. As mentioned above, you only need a few simple things. 1) You absolutely must open an account with an autoresponder service. 2) You need a value-rich, problem-solving freebie to give away in exchange for email addresses. 3) Then you need somewhere on the web to place your opt-in box, opt-in form and/or landing page.

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