by Andre W. Klein | Dec 8, 2018 | Linkedin
When you start a business, one of the things that you should be thinking about now in the age of technology is social media. Every business should have its own pages on social media, whereby you can interact with customers, try and engage new leads and clients, and publish new information or products and services. Creating the perfect LinkedIn profile for your business can take a while to get right at the beginning, but it can have a huge effect on generating traffic to your website and customers to your business.
by Andre W. Klein | Dec 8, 2018 | Linkedin, Social Marketing
LinkedIn is often called the Facebook for business professionals. You get a much more professional, business-oriented experience on LI than on FB. This means LinkedIn is the perfect place to expand your circle of influence, grow your business, and improve sales and profits … as long as you don’t adopt a selling mentality.
LI is a social media network. All social media sites are social in nature. People go to these sites to socialize and meet others with similar interests, and not to have you try and sell them on your products and services. Having said that, the business professionals you will meet on LinkedIn are definitely more likely to join you in a business venture or become a customer than those you engage with on Facebook or Twitter.
by Andre W. Klein | Nov 6, 2018 | Home based internet business, how to make money online
In this report, we’ve outlined 9 ways to set up passive income streams that are almost hands-free after the initial set up and promotion, so you can earn income even when you are away from your computer.
This additional income can give your business stability, and perhaps even growth if you re-invest it in ads, software and other items that you really need in order to expand your business.
Try one method, like create ebooks on Kindle, or all 9 methods. One thing is for sure, as soon as you start publishing books, you’ll be positioning yourself as an expert in your niche. Once that happens, selling courses, getting ad revenue, and being paid for influencer spots will become a lot easier and more profitable. Chances are people will even start to seek you out for joint venture deals.
by Andre W. Klein | Oct 6, 2018 | Entrepreneur
Running a business can be exciting and fun, but it can also come with challenges and stress. Keeping yourself in a good place and maintaining a healthy mental state brings lots of benefits, so whether you’re just starting up or you’re beginning to focus more on your small business, meditation is a useful way to enhance it.
by Andre W. Klein | Oct 6, 2018 | Entrepreneur
Being thankful for what you have is incredibly important, and even if you don’t feel like anybody else has helped you to achieve what you have, it’s good to acknowledge that you couldn’t have come this far on your own. Starting a gratitude practice allows you to focus on the small things in life that you should be grateful for, no matter how or why you have them. In order to get the most from this practice, you should do it at the same time each day and commit to making it a regular occurrence. When you do this, here are some of the ways that you’ll find your business getting a boost.
by Andre W. Klein | Oct 6, 2018 | Entrepreneur
Believing in yourself and having confidence that you can succeed is an important life skill, and the sooner you can reach this stage, the happier and better you will feel about yourself. Here are some of the ways that you can have more belief in yourself – belief that you can succeed, belief that you can run your business well and belief that you can be yourself.
Identify why you don’t believe in yourself
by Andre W. Klein | Oct 6, 2018 | Entrepreneur
You might have a skeleton idea of what you want your business to achieve, but how do you really define the purpose and vision? Getting the most out of your venture can only be achieved by clearly defining to yourself, your workers and your clients what the aims of your business are. If you’re struggling to define these at the moment, here are some tips for getting the clarity you need.
by Andre W. Klein | Oct 6, 2018 | Entrepreneur, Tips
Most people have limited beliefs to some degree, and if you’re trying to run while a business with psychological constraints, you may question how far you will ever be able to get. It’s important to ask yourself whether you have beliefs which are limiting you at the moment, and once you have identified these, you should know how they can hold your new business back.
by Andre W. Klein | Oct 6, 2018 | Entrepreneur, Stress Management, Tips
If you read biographies of successful entrepreneurs, their stories often sound quite alike. Many entrepreneurs go through long periods of hardship before bouncing back and becoming major successes. This isn’t some odd coincidence, this is because there are certain qualities that make a person well suited to being a successful entrepreneur.
by Andre W. Klein | Oct 6, 2018 | Entrepreneur, Stress Management, Tips
Your mindset is the general way that you think about things. People are often described as “optimists” or “pessimists,” for example. So, someone could have an optimistic mindset.
There are other types of mindsets as well. In addition to positive or negative, you can have a growth or fixed mindset too. A growth mindset is one where the person strives to learn, even from mistakes and failures. A fixed mindset is the opposite. The person likely avoids learning new approaches or information because they’re more comfortable with what they know and how they “do things.”
So, a success mindset is actually a combination of a few mindset qualities. It’s a mindset that is embraced by the most successful business owners. A success mindset is: