You’re certainly not alone if you’re considering doing a live video but have worries and anxieties about it. However, there are certain things that you can do in order to try and make the idea of filming live not quite as worrying as you first thought. Here are some of the things you can do to make the process easier and to become excited about live videos rather than scared and nervous!
- Don’t worry about what you look like
You’re probably going to want to look great for your live video, but you should also remember that there is only so much you can do and that your audience aren’t actually that bothered about your appearance. The fact that the video is live will generally make your audience much more forgiving anyway, so that’s a positive way to look at live filming!
- Know what you’re going to say
If you’re unsure about what you’re going to say during the video and you’re just blagging it as you go along, you will be worried and stressed as you’re filming and may even mess it up and feel annoyed and embarrassed by the outcome. You should explore different ways of creating a script so that you aren’t reading off a piece of paper but at the same time you aren’t struggling to fill the time either.
- Practise beforehand
Live filming is like many other things – you need to practise beforehand in order to get it right. This is particularly true if you don’t have much experience taking part in video (especially live videos), or you don’t have a lot of confidence speaking in public or before an audience. You can practise what you’re going to say, how you’re going to start the video and how you’re going to end the video. The rest of the content in between should be fairly easy to fill in if you get the start and ending correct.
- Make sure you have everything you need
You’re all set to go and then you remember that you haven’t got an important item that you need for your video. Maybe it’s part of a demo you’re doing on the live video, or maybe you meant to bring a stand for your phone (or a selfie stick). Before you go live, make a point of checking everything that you have and then giving yourself time to fill any gaps in your equipment.