While Facebook ads are a great way of advertising your business, it’s still important to keep the costs down in order to stay within budget and make sure that you’re not spending too much money on getting the extra business. The extra revenue you might be earning will only be worth it if you’re able to keep the costs of advertising as low as possible. Here are the ways you can keep the costs of Facebook ads down and ensure you get every click for the lowest possible price.
- Target the ads properly
If you pay lots of money to have the ads sent out to everybody and anybody, you’ll get a very low turnover when it comes to people actually clicking the ads. The adverts will be most effective if you target them to specific groups who may be interested, for example, males or females, younger people or the older generation or people in a specific area or town (very useful for businesses with a physical local shop in a certain city or area).
- Don’t advertise every post
Rather than spending money on advertising every single post you make on Facebook, only advertise the ones that you think people might click on. If you’re just posting general updates about your business or the closing times and opening hours, you don’t need to pay to advertise this. People who are following your page are likely to see it already, and if anybody is wondering and wants to come and check out your Facebook page, they will see the information then. You should only advertise posts which will bring in new customers or bring old customers back to you. Special offers, New Year deals and anything which offers the customer something if they click the link are always good to advertise.
- Create attractive posts
You can’t create a boring post and expect the advertisement to automatically bring in lots of extra business. Unlike the post itself is of good quality and has great sales potential, you’ll struggle to really get your money back even if you have a high budget and advertise it to thousands of people. Before promoting the post, think about the content you are sharing and if there is any way you could make this better. While Facebook do limit the sizes of the images you can advertise, it certainly helps to have a link or photograph on there which helps to catch the eye as people as scrolling down their news feeds.