you engage on social media? How can you use the knowledge gained from your email surveys and questions to improve your bottom line? There are multiple answers to those questions.

Whether you are selling information products or blogging, you eventually want to monetize your business. Perhaps at the beginning it would be wise to build an audience, and then improve the relationship you have with the people in that audience. Eventually though, you will want to sell something. Here are a few ways to use your target marketing efforts, and what you know about your audience profile, to make more sales and profits.

1 – Segment Your List

All of the top autoresponder services allow you to do this. You can break down your overall email list into previous purchasers, those who have not purchased yet, people who have purchased multiple products, or those who have responded to a survey you sent out.

When you segment your list, the people you send emails to only get communications custom tailored to their unique situations. This improves the relationship you have with the people who have joined your email list, and also makes your marketing more efficient and productive.

2 – Use Customer Input to Come up with New Product Ideas

Look at the comments section of your blog. Study the most frequently asked questions you receive through email. What you are looking at is a veritable gold mine. Your audience is telling you exactly what they want, the questions and problems that they need answered and fixed in their lives.

Use this info to create new information products, e-books and other problem-solving content that your audience will be happy to pay for.

3 – Trade Discounted Pricing for Valuable Information

This method works well to generate sales through social media sites, your email list, and directly through your blog or website. Tell your audience that you are working on a new information product, e-book or service. Inform them that you want to be sure you are creating something that is needed and worthwhile.

In return for them filling out a short questionnaire, or sending in their top 3 needs and problems, you allow them to pre-purchase the product you are creating with this information at a substantial discount. You would be amazed at how much money you can generate without even having a product for sale, and your target audience gives you all of the information to create that product.

4 – Use the Power of Word-Of-Mouth Advertising

What your friends and family members have to say about a product or service is very important to you. It is this way with your target audience as well. When someone purchases something from you, make sure to thank them profusely. Then tell them that you will offer them a rebate, future purchase discount, or entirely free product if they share their positive experience with their friends. There is software that allows you to integrate this with Facebook and the other top social media networks, which can turn 1 sale into several very quickly.

The Takeaway

The key to finding your target market is research. You must know the audience you’re going after very well. This means taking the time to create an audience profile, which leads to an avatar, a clear picture that is the embodiment of your perfect prospect. You also need to create your own niche, the angle that makes you unique and different from your competition. When you do this, your chances of success running an online blog or information product website increase dramatically.

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