Early this year, Instagram introduces its first advertising platform. You can take a look at the details at: https://business.instagram.com/advertising/

If you look deeper into the page, you will find different type of ad formats. This includes:

Instagram Ad Format #1: Images Ads

Basically, the way it works will be, businesses can use image ads as a way to tell stories about their business through images. Further, you can also add few words as a “call to action” on what you want your audience to take.

Instagram Ad Format #2: Video Ads

With video ads, you can utilize a 30 seconds or less video as a way to display your ads. This is a more interactive way to build your business, yet, it will create a much more dynamic results than images alone.

Instagram Ad Format #3: Carousel Ads

With Carousel Ads, you will be able to advertise your business in a fashion where your potential clients will be able to “swipe” to see additional images. This allows you to create a story in which it will create a higher level of engagement compare to a regular ads.

The question you need to ask yourself is… “What is the objective of utilizing Instagram Paid Advertising?”

Here are two simple “call to actions” you can focus on:

#1: Bring your audience to your website.

Well, the title say it all for sure. Of course, it is to bring more traffic to your website. That’s the real key you need to focus on.

#2: Bring your audience to your website.

You can also use your Instagram ads as a way to ask your audience to download your app to their mobile device. It is similar technique on bring traffic to your website, the cool part is… When you have your audience to install your app on their phones, you are able to obtain a subscriber list.

This allows you to follow-up with them later on. HINT: Each subscriber that you have is equal to $1 to $1.50 per month for your business. Of course, it is important to build as many subscribers as possible.

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