The key to making this work for you as a money making method is to simply integrate your marketing closely with your product, your advertising and your live videos themselves.

We’ve already seen how you can use Facebook Live in order to add a call to action on a video. If you also make that call to action in person – so that you are physically asking people to buy your product – then this can be even more effective. It makes a big difference when you actually ask people to buy something in person.

You can this way be much more persuasive and emphatic and as we discussed, you can also answer questions that your potential buyers might have live. This way you can really encourage people to buy something where a sales page or another technique may not have been effective.

Buy then following that plea immediately with a link where they can click to buy your product, you can create a large conversion rate from your Facebook videos.

Try not to make all of your videos sales pitches however! Remember what we already discussed: the key to success in Facebook marketing and the key to getting shares and Likes is to make sure that your videos are usually providing value.

If 9/10 of your videos provide tips or discussion in your niche, or promote your lifestyle and build trust, then you will make that 10th video much more effective at selling. Think about the long term plan and don’t just try and shift as many units as possible in every single video!

The key then is to work out how much you are earning from your videos and how much you are earning from each follower on your page. This will then allow you to calculate the budget that you can spend on your ads in order to make sure your business is still profitable.

A Simple Sample Business Model

A simple example of how this might work, is if you run a wedding dress shop. In this case, you could create a social media presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter where you would show off photos of your most beautiful dresses and really get people to invest in the lifestyle you’re promoting and to enjoy and share the photos and the tips.

As you build your loyal following, you can then promote to them using Facebook CPA ads to get more likes and more engagement. But because your customer is a very specific type of person, you should use targeted ads that will only be seen by women who are engaged and who are in a certain age bracket. These women will almost certainly be in the market for dresses, making them the perfect candidates for advertising to.

And then you can upload your live videos. These might be interviews, Q&As or reviews/showcases of certain dresses. More of your followers will be able to see the videos because of the algorithm giving them preferential treatment and you’ll be able to answer questions and take direction from your audience, building more trust. Finish with a call to action and then add the CTA button saying ‘shop now’!

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