As one of the most effective marketing tools used by online marketers, you would do well to know what article marketing is and how it is done. Simply put, article marketing is the strategy of making well-written articles that talk about your products, your company, or anything about your targeted market niche and disseminate them throughout the web.

The purpose of these articles is to draw the attention of the reader towards the product, service, and/or company. It makes them want to know more and eventually visit the website of the company. As such, this is also a very effective traffic-generating tool.

These articles however are nothing like advertisement articles which directly talks about products, services and companies in a very subjective manner. Instead, these articles follow a neutral and unbiased tone which creates a good image for the product, service, and/or company without sounding like an advertisement.

For example, if an online shop that sells futon covers want to generate traffic through the use of article marketing, it will want to publish articles with titles like “10 Tips When Buying Futon Covers”, “Popular Styles And Designs For Futon Covers This Fall”, and “How To Match Futon Covers With The Interior Design”.

As you can see, these titles are not directly promoting any brand or any company. Instead, such titles create credibility and good image for the brand and/or company that wrote the articles.

And because Article Marketing is generally meant to generate traffic, they are often incorporated with SEO techniques, that is to say, they are written to include popular keywords and keyword phrases related to the targeted market niche.

Generally, a density of around 2 to 3 percent is standard. Any more than that might black list the article as ‘spam’. Also, the typical length of articles would be around 300 to 500 words. This is short enough so that it is not boring, but long enough so that it is informative.

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