How to Get More From Old Content on Your Blog

If you’ve read around and you know your stuff when it comes to creating and running a blog, then no doubt you should know by now the value of sharing your new content as you upload it. Create a post, share said post on Reddit, Google+, Twitter, Facebook… rinse and repeat. Simple!

But what if you don’t have time to update your blog with new content every day? Does that mean you can’t do any promotion that day?

How to Integrate Your Social Media and Content Marketing

Social media marketing means promoting your website through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks. This is a highly effective way to build fans, to interact with your visitors and to gain more visitors to your site.

Content marketing on the other hand means adding blog posts and articles to your website so that you can demonstrate your knowledge on a given subject, so that you can gain subscribers who will come back regularly to your website and so that you can fill your site with content for Google to find.

How to Write Content That People Will Want to Read

One of the biggest secrets to success when it comes to blogging is knowing how to write content that people will want to read.

Note that this isn’t really about the way your write. Or at least that’s only part of the puzzle.

Instead, writing content that people will go out of their way to read is all about choosing exciting topics, giving them great titles and knowing what it is that makes people click.

What is it Like to be a Successful Blogger?

There are lots of articles on how to become successful as a blogger but if you read in between the lines on most of them, you might get the nagging suspicion that the authors are not themselves actually successful bloggers…

That means that a lot of the content you read about blogging is speculative and hypothetical – which isn’t terribly useful.

What would be useful would be to hear what being a successful blogger is actually like. What is it like on a day to day basis? What are the positives and negatives of making money this way? Let’s take a moment to answer those questions…

How to Design a Great Logo for Your Website in Easy to Follow Steps

The right logo for your blog will make a huge difference to your ability to be successful.

The main objective for any blogger is to get visitors to want to come back to read the latest content as it gets added and in order to get to that point, you need to ensure that you have a recognizable and memorable brand. This will also help you to ensure that all your social media marketing is as effective as possible: by having a great brand across all your separate platforms you’ll get more out of your marketing synergy and you’ll make a stronger impression.

Avoiding Traditional Niches and Trying Something New

Perhaps the most important decision you’ll make when creating your blog and starting to earn money online, is deciding what niche (subject) you want to focus on. What topic do you want to be writing about day in and day out for the next several months? What subject out there has a big enough audience but isn’t too competitive? What subject is highly monetizable?

This is something that can cause a lot of people stress and in many cases it can even prevent them from making a decision and getting started!

Health Tips for Full Time Bloggers

When your blog starts going well, you might decide it’s time to give up the day job and go ‘full time’. This is an excellent feeling and a great moment – all of a sudden you’re able to enjoy true financial freedom and passive income and you’ll never have to make a busy commute into work at 7am again!

But at the same time, blogging full time also comes with a few drawbacks. Chief among these is the simple fact that it’s not terribly healthy. When you blog full time, you’ll be spending most of your day sitting in front of the computer at home and staring at a screen. This has consequences – so read on to find out how to avoid the most severe of those…

Growth Hacking 101 – Using Influencer Marketing for Your Blog

‘Growth hacking’ is a popular buzz word on the web at the moment and for obvious reasons. The idea behind growth hacking is to ‘hack’ or ‘cheat’ the usual growth trajectory of any new blog and thereby get to the point where you’re bringing in thousands of hits a day long before you normally would. Growing a blog is a matter of following a set system and as with any system, there are ways to ‘game’ the process and shortcuts to be found.

Adding a Vlog to Your Blog

Want to increase the popularity of your blog, gain more visitors and strengthen your relationship and authority with those existing fans?

One of the most effective ways to do all these things is to add video to your site. Not only is video highly engaging and difficult to look away from, it’s also highly persuasive and very personal. For building a ‘personal brand’ in particular, this is one of the very best ways to let your visitors get to know you.

Living from Blogging 10: Conclusion and the Next Step

At this point you should now have a rather steady flow of income with a well-designed blog, a consistent brand and loads of unique content. You know how to share it, how to build fans and how to use some of the best tools to save yourself time.

The rest comes down to luck. So just keep plugging away and eventually you’ll get your break when your link ends up on the right website or gets recommended by the right person. The key is to not give up.

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