Regardless of who you are, what niche you are in, or whether you are an expert or not, Skype Marketing Secrets Step-by-Step Training Guide 2.0 is the guide you need to attract high-ticket clients, build bonded relationships, start mastermind groups, and attract massive cash to your business.

This brand-new and updated guide is created based on the experience and guidance from Highly-successful Internet Marketers and coaches from It is being designed to make sure you are able to position your business whether it is online or offline with Skype as soon as possible.

You will learn the strategies to choose the right niche, set-up your Skype account, choose the right images, learning the features on Skype, understand tricks and strategies on posting on Skype, as well as attracting strong followers and massive revenue to your business.

In addition, we will also show you how to use those resources you need to set-up your Skype business account where your potential customers can find you. This allows you to attract as many clients as possible for your business. Further, we will show you some *NINJA* techniques to get massive cash from Skype.

Where do we start?

We are going to share with you SEVEN step-by-step guides on building your business with Skype Marketing. In fact, you can even ask one of your employees to set this up for you in just seconds. What does it mean?

  1. You don’t need to guess on which techniques are working and which techniques are not working.
  2. You don’t need to guess on old and ineffective ways on building your business with Skype Marketing.
  3. You don’t need to concern about technicalities of setting-up your business with Skype Marketing.

What do you need to worry about? Well, you need to worry on NOT reading all the information we are about to share with you on this step-by-step guide.

We will use screenshots and pictures to show you each step. This way, there will be no misstep and misunderstanding on which step you need to do first and which step you need to do later on.

Why do we feel confident that Skype will give you the traffic you are looking for in your business?

It is because of the leadership of Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft). You see, Skype was created by Janus Friis and Nikklas Zennstrom in 2003 and the Skype Software is created by Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn.

June 2005 — Skype signed agreement with Polish Web Portal.

September 2005 — eBay acquired Luxembourg-based Skype Technologies SA for approximately US$2.5 billion.

September 2009eBay sold 65% of Skype to Silver Lake, Andreessen Horowitz, and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board for US$1.9 billion, valuing Skype at US$2.75 billion.

May 10, 2011 — Microsoft acquired Skype Communication for $8.5 Billion.

October 13, 2011Skype was incorporated as a division of Microsoft, and Microsoft acquired all of the company’s technologies with the purchased.

What are the development about Microsoft own Skype?

  1. Microsoft integrated Skype service into its own product line.
  2. Microsoft developed a dedicated client app, called Skype for Modern Windows, for its newly-released, touch-focused Window 8 and Window RT operating system.
  3. On October 28, 2012, Skype for Modern Windows became the default messaging app for Windows 8.1, replacing the Windows 8 Messaging app at the time, and became pre-installed software on every device that came with or upgraded to 8.1.
  4. On February 27, 2013, Microsoft included 60 Skype world minutes per month in Office 365 consumer plans.
  5. On April 30, 2013, people favor Skype compare to Window Live Messenger. — NOTE: Live Messengers are being used heavily in mainland china compare to Skype.

As it is important to understand the power of Skype, here are some updates and features released from year to date:

July 14, 2011: Skype partners with Comcast to bring its video service to Comcast subscribers via HDTV.

June 17, 2013: Skype released a free video-messaging service, which can be operated on Windows and Mac OS, iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.

August 12, 2013: Skype released the 4.10 update to the app for Apple iPhone and iPad that allows HD quality video for iPhone 5 and fourth-generation iPads.

November 20, 2014: Microsoft Office’s team announced that a new chat powered by Skype is going to be implemented in their software, giving tools to be able to chat with co-workers in the same document

September 15, 2015: Skype released “Mojis”, a brand-new way to express yourself on Skype. Mojis are short clips/gifs featuring characters from films and TV shows to be entered into conversations with the same ease as emoticons.

As you can see the power of Skype, here is some facts you need to know about Skype:

  1. There are more than 300,000,0000 (300 Million) Skype Users.
  2. There are more than 3,000,000,000 (3 Billions) minutes used every single day.
  3. There are more than 1,400,000,000 (1.4 Trillions) used for Skype Videos and Voice Calls..
  4. There are more than 500,000,000 (500 Millions) people Installed Skype on Their Phones..
  5. There are hundreds of thousands of marketers who want to learn how to market their products properly on Skype.

Basically, if you own a piece of the pie, you don’t need to concern on getting new customers for your business for sure. The question is…

How Do You Use Skype For Business?

Well, that’s exactly what you are going to learn inside “Skype Marketing Secrets Step-by-Step 20”.  Now, before we share with you some “Ninja” techniques you need to use with Skype, let me introduce you to…

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