Well, as you have realized by now that each subscriber that you have is equal to $1 to $1.50 per month for your business. It also means that it is vitally important to build massive subscribers from Pinterest. This allows you to build your business where you are able to not only maximizing your revenue, but you will also receive cash for your business on a regular basis.

As I want you to understand the steps, here are “THREE” simple steps you need to follow:

STEP #1: Create a high-converting squeeze page.

STEP #2: Build relationship via email.

STEP #3: Selling affiliate products on a regular basis.

As you are ready to build your subscribers as well as make massive cash selling affiliate products. Let’s work on each step one by one…

STEP #1: Create a high-converting squeeze page.

Before you are able to create your squeeze page, here’s exactly what you need:

Domain Name

If you do NOT have a domain name, make sure you get one from NameCheap

Enter your desire domain name. However, there are two things you need to remember:

  • You must purchase a domain name that is non-proxy. — Why is that? Domain Name proxy means you do not own a domain name. It also means that if a domain name provider decided to shut you down tomorrow, they will simply unplug your business the next day.
  • Choose a domain name that is a .com extension.

Web Hosting

You don’t need a fancy web hosting services such as a private server or a dedicated hosting that costs a lot of money. However, it needs to have three different elements:

  • Unlimited Domain Hosting. — This allows you to host unlimited domain names.
  • Unlimited Bandwidth Capacity. — This is vitally important especially when you need to start receiving high volume of traffic to your website.
  • Unlimited Storage. — Well, this feature is a must. As you grow your audience, you need to start adding more contents such as videos, PDF, software products, MP3, and much more. So, you need to have unlimited storage for sure.

Well, go to HostGator

Click on “Get Started Now” button.

You will see…

Then, choose… “Plus” plan. You don’t need business pro as it is unnecessary at this point.

Auto-Responder Account

This is where you host your email list. Wait, I know. There are people who told you that it is a good idea to host emails on your email account. Here is some fact that you need to know:

  • If you host your own email list, be ready to have your domain name blacklisted by spam assassinator.
  • If you host your own email list on your server, be ready to get a warning email from your hosting company in which they will shut down your account.
  • If you mail out email manually from Gmail account, you will receive warning from Gmail that your account is blocked.
  • If you mail out from any software script, be ready to get your server and domain name shut down the next day.
  • If you mail out from free auto-responder account, be ready to waste your effort on list building as many free auto-responder account will put the banners or ads on each email that you send out. — This will definitely kill your sales conversion.

I can go on and on about your ideas and reasons why you don’t need an auto-responder account, but this is the reality you are going to face. The question is… “What kind of auto-responder services do you use?” Well, we recommend:

You can get it at Aweber or  GetResponse


Tracking Tools

This is where the money is. In fact, there is a saying that if you fail to track your conversion, you prepare to fail. It is also true in everything you do. The question is… “Why do you need to track?”

  • How much traffic do you receive from Facarticle? If you have no clue about it, how can you know which traffic sources you need to focus on.
  • How many subscribers do you receive for every subscribers you receive? If you have no clue about it, how can you get the right traffic for your business.
  • Which traffic sources give you the most subscribers and sales? If you have no clue which traffic sources give you the most subscribers and sales, why do you keep spending money on advertising.

My point of asking you all these questions are really because I want you to figure out the traffic sources that give you the most money. This way, when you invest $1,000 on certain traffic sources, you know that you will get back $x,xxx.xx every single time.

Which tracking tools do I recommend? Well, go to Click Magic at: http://xmturbosystem.com/cooltracking (14-Free Trial)

You just simple click on the “Yellow Button” on the page. It works with Facarticle, Social Media, Email Marketing, and much more. Basically, the sky is the limit. 🙂

WordPress Plug-in to Build Your Landing Pages

There are “two” ways to build your landing pages:

  • Hard and expensive way. — You need to learn HTML code, Photoshop, integrate opt-in form, or you can also hire a programmer that will cost you dearly for sure. How do I know? Well, the average programmer could cost between $500 and $1,000 a pop for sure.

Here is some outsourcing companies you can use:

  • Simply and cheap way. — You just need to choose the templates, enter your auto-responder code, and it will automatically display your website in less than 20 minutes.

Here is the WordPress plug-in you can use: http://xmturbosystem.com/wordpressbuilder to set-up your squeeze page in just few minutes.

NOTE: They have many different templates you can use. Some of the templates have been used to convert more than 40%.

How do you set-up your squeeze page?

First, login to your Cpanel account.

NOTE: If you have no clue what it is, ask your hosting account.

Once you are inside the members area, search and click on “Quick Install”.

Next, click on “WordPress” just like what you see at:

Then, follow a simple step-by-step instruction on setting-up your blog. That’s all it takes. Once you have completed the process, your next step is to install your WordPress Profit Builder plug-in inside your WordPress admin. It should look like: http://yourdomainname.com/wp-admin

Once you are inside, you can add the plug-in under “plugins” tab.

After you have installed the plug-in, click on the icon “Profit Builder”:

Then, click on “Templates Management”.

Once you are on the page, scroll down and you will see…

Then, click “Install” any templates you would like to use to create your squeeze pages.

Once you added the necessary template, the next step is to click on “add new”  under “Pages” tab.

Next, write down the page name.

Then, click “Save Draft”.

Then, click on “Profit Builder”.

On the right hand column, you will see a lot of features such as:

1) Exit redirect. — You can add an exit pop-up info.

2) PBTheme Page Option. — Please do make sure you check them all. This way, your page will look professional. Make sure you click on “Save Draft” one more time to re-save the file.

3) Other Important Features. — There is retargeting pixels for Facarticle, YouTube, and changing Background color.

Then, your next step is to click on “Edit Page”.

Next, click on “Load Page”.

Click on “Load Template” Tab and choose the squeeze page template you want to use for your website. Then, click “load” button.

You will be able to see a “load” template such as:

Of course, you can always click on any text or button to modify the template as you wish. The question is… “How can you redirect your page after people sign-up to your squeeze page?

Click on “Click to Learn More”.

Then, fill in “Form HTML” with the code you received from HTML code.

That’s all it takes.

STEP #2: Build relationship via email.

One of the key strategies you must use is to build relationship with your audience via email. Here’s an example you can use…

Sample Relationship Building Email:



Case Study I: Freebie Seekers Vs. Potential Buyers ($3,200)


Dear {!firstname},

As I am about to head out to another state
for a secret mastermind group with Mr. X
and Mr. Y, I have decided to provide with
the recent case studies that allow me to
differentiate between freebie seeker list
Vs. potential buyer list.

Before I shared with you all this info, let
me share with you on the recent occasion
that happened to many small and medium
marketers, ok?

You see…

In the past few months, I have had many
medium marketers came to me for help.
They told me that they are about to run
out of cash and quit their business
all together. It is sad reality that
many medium marketers are experiencing
especially in the IM community.

-> How does it happen?
-> Why do marketers whom have built thousands
of subscribers are in the process to close
down their business?
-> How can we avoid this TRAGIC incident in
our business?

Let me ask you these questions…

(A) What is in it for your audience?
(B) When people come to you or opt-in to
your list? What did you promise them
you are going to do?
(C) Who do you attract to your business?

I know these are simple questions. However,
when we look closer to these facts, you know
that these are NOT just simple questions.
Instead, it has the underline meaning in it.

What is it, Andre?

Think about this for a moment, ok? Let’s just
say that you are a plumber. You make a promise
to your potential clients that WHEN you come
to me for plumbing related issues, I will solve
your problems ASAP. My price will be at $100
per hour. I guarantee that you will have no
plumbing issues for 1 month (OR) I will fix it
until it is solved.

That’s a very straight forward answer.

The problem with most small and medium marketers
is they focus on COPYCAT. I know it may sound
harsh, but let me explain this to you. This way,
you will know that I am not just bluffing. 🙂

You see…

Back when I came out with XM Turbo2 Marketing
System in November 2009, within less than 30
days, I saw several medium marketers COPIED
my ideas. At that time, I priced my service
at $497. I discovered some of them start pricing
it at $397. Then, the other two marketers
priced it at $297 and $97.

The first initial mindset that they had was,
IF I priced it lower than Henry was, I would
get my customers than his. Sure enough, they
were able to get more sales. The problem that
they faced was, they couldn’t keep up with
the promises they made to the new clients.

Guess what happened next?

Customers complaint. They complaint. When I
spoke with one of them recently, they told me
that my idea were GREAT, but it was just too
much work on their part. Worse, they priced it
too low for them to provide customers with
quality products.

It was because of that reason, many medium
marketers MOVED on to the next big thing.
You could call it SHINNY OBJECT. In reality,
most small and medium marketers do not
understand the power of having the RIGHT
VISION to  serve their customers.

Again, I will ask you these questions one
more time, ok?

(A) What is in it for your audience?
(B) When people come to you or opt-in to
your list? What did you promise them
you are going to do?
(C) Who do you attract to your business?

If you look at the very first question in
which you told your audience that they are
going to get this, this, and that, sure
enough they will go for it, but before
you put it to the market place, you need
to ask yourself this *INTEGRITY* question…

“Will You Leave Up to Your Promise?”

If you can’t, why do you expect people to
become your raving fans? You can’t. Now,
if you can’t, why do you focus on COPYCAT
instead of really focusing on helping your
clients to solve their problems ASAP?

My points are…

(1) Define Your Vision. — It should NOT be
just your mouth talking. Instead, when
you put it into words, you need to take
responsibility for your words and actions.

So, don’t just say it when you do NOT
mean it. It also means that when you open
your mouth, you need to focus on making
it happened for your customers, your
partners, your team members, as well
as the value you stand for.

(2) Act on Becoming a Selfless Individual. —
It also means that you should NOT blame
on others for your own mistakes. When
you have made a strong commitment to
stay *TRUE* to your vision, you need
to follow through.

Sure enough things will not be an easy
ride. I can tell you that a lot of times
I burn a lot of midnight candles on trying
to get everything done on time. Even my
wife knew that I shed a lot of tears on
trying to complete each task to meet up
with the deadline.

Why is this important? Again, once you
make your commitment on what your vision
is, the ONLY way to become successful
will be to do your best until the end.
That is what success really means.

As I still need to complete some other tasks
before I head to the mastermind group tomorrow
morning, I will continue this new lesson next
week. So, stay tuned and have a wonderful
weekend. 🙂

One more thing, if you need to email me or have
some topics you would like me to discuss, you
can always email it to [email protected].
I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Success is YOURS,
André W. Klein

STEP #3: Selling affiliate products on a regular basis.

Once you have started to build your list, your next step is start selling affiliate products. One of the best places to go to is… JVZoo.com.

All you need to do is going to the “Market Place”, search for the right products in your niche and start selling it right away.

Here is a sample e-mail templates you can use to promote affiliate product:

Sample Affiliate Email #1:


Download Your Email Cash Machines 2.0, {!firstname}! (Worth $2,457)

Dear {!firstname},

I am going to make this email really short
and sweet as I need to work on our new launch,
“Email Cash Machines 2.0” — Well, so far,
we have sold a little over 50+ copies in
the past 1 1/2 hours. We will see how it
goes by the end of the launch for sure. 😀

Well, on today’s email, I want you to know
that it is IMPORTANT that you download
“Email Cash Machines 2.0” where Gerald,
the #4 affiliate for Andrew Fox which
cashed out more than $16,000 in 7 days,
and I show you exactly what we did to
cash out more than $490 per day by just
sending emails. Go ahead and download
them right now at: (Wild Stuff!)

>> http://XMTurboSystem.com/getemailcashmachines
(You really need to download it now!)

NOTE: Yes, I will EVEN show you what I have
been doing to cash out up to $490 per day
with just 17 minutes worth of work. Yep,
you can simply COPY-N-PASTE. That’s all it
takes. 😀

Go for it.

Success is YOURS,
André W. Klein

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