“ Marketing is a contest for people’s attention. ” – Seth Godin
The good news is that once you have the foundation of your business in place, your last main job is to drive traffic!
…the bad news is that driving traffic to your website isn’t easy. It normally requires an investment of either time or money.
Or both.
But for the most part, there are two ways to market your site- paid methods or free methods.
Paid Advertising
A lot of people see the word “paid” and immediately run for the hills. They don’t want to invest any money, because they’re afraid that they won’t make it back.
So instead they’re willing to invest hours and hours of their TIME- which they can never get back- in order to build their business.
And even though there’s nothing wrong with that, keep in mind that paid traffic isn’t just effective- it’s FAST. You can have thousands of people to your site within hours, whereas most free methods take a long, long time to build up.
Plus, if you invest in paid traffic sources, you get instant feedback. You will quickly learn if your squeeze page doesn’t convert, OTO sales page is horribly written, etc.
So if you have the funds, I highly recommend learning a paid traffic method. It may seem scary at first, but you will thank me later!
There are a few ways to get into paid advertising, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are the main methods:
- Solo Ads are when‑ you contact another email list owner who will send an email to his list for a small So you pay a fee, write an email, and then he send the email to his list, pointing them towards your squeeze page.
- Pay Per Click is when you create advertisements, and then you only pay when a visitor clicks on your ad to go to your website. Google Adwords and Facebook ads are common examples.
- Banner Ads are the picture ads that you often see on websites. You normally pay a certain amount upfront, and then you’re guaranteed X number of views. For example, you may pay $10 for the ad to be seen 10,000 times by the site visitor.
- Pay Per View is similar to banner ads, except the ad is normally a full-page website, not just a small square or rectangular picture. Also, you normally pay a tiny amount per view, instead of one large lump sum as you do with banner ads.
I wish I could go into more detail with these, but keep in mind that entire products are produced every day about EACH of these methods! To learn more, there are a lot of great, free resources that you can find by simply searching Google or the Warrior Forum.
Now if you don’t think paid traffic is your cup of tea, you still have a few options.
Free Traffic
The good news about free traffic is… well, it’s free. This can also be a bad thing though, because you generally need to invest a lot more time, as you will need multiple streams of traffic coming in to make decent money.
Here are the most common free methods:
- Forum marketing is where you hang out in forums related to your niche and help people with their The key is being able to put a link to your website in a signature block, so people can click through and find your squeeze page.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes Google, Bing and other search engines list you at the top of the search results for keywords. This can get you a lot of “organic” traffic, but it often takes a long time to reach the #1 spot, competition is fierce, and their algorithms to determine the #1 spot are al-ways changing.
- Blog commenting doesn’t work as well as it used to, but it can still work. The premise is that if you’re the first or second person to comment on a popular blog post in your niche- and your comment is actually helpful- other readers will click through to your site to see what you have to offer.
- Guest posting is where another, more established blogger allows you to write a post and put it on their website. At the end, you can link back to your website. This is a win-win because it is free content for the blogger, but you benefit from being associated with them and the free traffic.
Ideally though, it would be great if you can have BOTH types of traffic coming in. Not only will this give you more subscribers and sales, but it will help you determine what traffic sources work best for you, and then you can focus on them.
“ The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ” – Lao-tzu
No real business was built in a day. Despite what some “gurus” will tell you, it takes time and effort to build a solid, sustainable business.
The great news for you is that once you’ve completed your sales funnel, you’re 90% of the way there. From that point, all you have to do is see what works, tweak it a bit, and then see how that goes.
As you get more subscribers and your business grows, you can expand into other niches, create new products in your current one, or use the funds towards a new venture such as investing.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this training and I wish you nothing but success with your list building efforts.