The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. ”  – Peter Drucker

The great thing about this step is that if you are using either Lead Pages or Optimize Press, it’s VERY easy to make a high-converting squeeze page. All you have to do is select one of their templates and use the recommended bullets/information.

Remember, the ONLY purpose of your squeeze page is to get your visitors to sign up onto your email list.

It’s not to tell them everything about your pet cat.

You aren’t going to explain all of the awesome content they have coming their way down the road.

Your squeeze page will NEVER get optimized for the search engines.

Its only job is to convert visitors into subscribers.

The first step to that is having a strong headline that grabs the visitor’s attention and makes them keep reading. A good headline is bold, clear, and is completely based on the current problem that you’re trying to help the visitor solve.

Most of the best headlines fall into one of the following categories:

  • Offer a solution to a problem
  • Make a bold promise or claim
  • Causes controversy (like saying you have to eat fat to burn fat)
  • Peaks curiosity

In the headline you need to tell them exactly what they’re going to get. Here are a few examples:

Free Report Reveals…

“The 5 Super Foods That Let You Lose Weight Fast!”

Free Video Reveals…

“3 Easy Ways To Date More Women!”

Whatever your free offer is about, you need to mention it in the headline, and you need to let them know that you’ve got a solution to whatever problem they’re dealing with.

After the headline, it’s up to you what to add. It partially depends on the layout of the page, what message you’re trying to convey, and what kind of niche you’re in.


The only thing you absolutely need besides the headline is a call to action. This is what tells your visitor exactly what to do to get the free information, software, or whatever other free gift you’re offering them.

The important thing is to be CRYSTAL clear regarding what you want them to do. Even though they can probably figure out where to enter them email address, make sure they know to put in their best email address, and explain why they’re putting it in the form.

For example, “Enter Your Email for Your FREE Dark Secrets Report” is better than “Enter Your Email Here”.

Remember that this one gift you’re providing can’t help the visitor with all of their problems. Instead, it’s just meant to help them with one specific problem. Later on, you will be able to help them in other ways with other products or services.

Don’t focus on the big picture- just that one, narrow thing you’re going to help them with. Tell them what they’ll learn/get, and then tell them how to get it.

That’s all you’re really doing with your squeeze page!

Now that you’re ready to start collecting email addresses, it’s time to move onto driving traffic to your website. After all, you can’t build a business without clients, right?

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