This video I’m going to show you how you can install WordPress from the wordpress install files.

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Transcription of How To Install WordPress From the Install Files

This video I’m going to show you how you

can install WordPress from the wordpress

install files so first go to and then go to the most

recent versions usually down there and

over here you want to download the zip

file to save it to your desktop or

somewhere where it’s handy you can

install file called WP so i can easily

find it which is on my desktop

ok so here it is so it’s going to

exhibit this install a program called

7-zip and I can just extract the files

if you don’t have 7-zip you can just use

the one built into windows cause you

have to do is extract all I use seven

zip code is faster

ok so at that point you have all your

files extracted and their the wordpress

files are 2 directors deep WordPress

version number and then insert inside

the area of wordpress and then you have

your files on there

ok so at this point we can upload all

this to our server

of course you already have your domain

name and your hosting so we’re going to

upload this where we want to go through

this i’m using a program called

filezilla it’s an ftp program allows you

to move files up and down from your

server so this is my server side over on

the right and my computer on the left so

I’m going to do I’m going to go in here

how kind of score HTML this is where the

files have to reside to be viewable on

the internet for this particular server

some hosts it’s different so find out

where that needs to be from your hosting

provider and create a directory to put

it in and caught WP test now I could

upload it right into this directory and

if I did that then I just have to keep

my domain name and go right to the

wordpress install by want a subdirectory

so that’s what I did

so let’s go down to WP test

ok so now we navigate on this side to

wordpress files are only are so just

select all those just to control a

select them all right click on upload ok

so that upload them to our server for us

we wait for that to finish all this is

going on we can create a database we

need a database to control wordpress

because everything stored in a database

so let’s go back here and let’s go into

our control panel

i’m showing you on control panel hosting

if you don’t use control panel hosting

then you will have some sort of of a

panel that you can create a database on


ok so now i’m going to go down to

databases mysql databases databases and

i’m going to go to mysql databases and

then i’m going to create a new database

for my wordpress install so let’s just

call this WP test go back

you need a user ID to get into your


ok so we’re going to create a new user

i’m going to call it the same thing WP

test this truce sake of ease then you

need a password in here he’s going to

use password you should use something

secure ok you can also use the password

generator here it’ll generate a very

secure password for it just make sure

you remember what it is

ok will create the user let’s go back

now we need to do is attach the user and

the database together so we go down to

where you said add user database and we

find one called WP test you know it’s

just characters in front of it that is

what differentiates on a server as our


database had all privileges make changes

at this point our databases where you

let’s go see how our upload is going

almost done here

okay so everything is uploaded now now

to start the install we have to do is

type in the path to where our wordpress

blog is going to be so your domain name

/ the folder that it’s in if it’s Jenna

folder otherwise it’s just your domain

name so i typed in my domain name / WP

test and this came up telling esters no

config PHP file need to create one

so let it do that now you may get an


ok so let’s click let’s go now this is

where we put our database name in so

back to the control panel go back to

databases again and let’s go to PHP my

admin this time and this shows us all of

our databases that we have available

ok so go down the left side here to find

the one we had WP test here okay and

then our path to our database is right

here so it’s the best I on earth core WP

test so you need to make sure you get

that whole thing in there

ok then the username setup ok so in this

case it was the same you need to have

the prefix on there as well as a

recharge which happened to be password

localhost this is usually going to be

right to check it you go back to your

PHP my admin and you’ll see here server

localhost so that needs to be the same

and it is ok table prefix you can leave

that alone unless you’re installing

multiple instances of WordPress into one

database if you are you should change

this for each subsequent install click

Submit ok now here’s the error i was

referring to earlier is trying to create

a depth

a configuration file and it can’t do it

because our directories and writable so

to do that

let’s go make the directory writable

let’s go back here and we need to make

WP test writable so let’s go up one

level which is public HTML to WP test

right click on this file attributes make

this 777 just for a second i will go

back with just hit the back button here

and then click Submit again now click

run the install and it will be at it

create the config file for us

ok so tight site title here it meant

username a password here and email


hello my site to appear in search


ok you’re going to want that unless you

want this to be a private blog install

WordPress that’s it

click login get men password and we’re

into the back and so at that point

wordpress is all installed now at this

point you need to go back to filezilla

need to change the permissions back to

where they were they were 755 before put

them back that way and make sure

site secure now if you are installing in

the public HTML directory

it’s the same thing this is your root

directory so you just key in your domain

name and you’re on your WordPress blog

what you would do is go back to the /

directory which is right on the outside

go find public HTML right-click and file

attributes notice it’s 750 this time

change the 777 proceed like I just

showed you and then come back in here

and send it back to 750 so that is how

you can install a wordpress blog from

the install files

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