This video I’m going to show you how you can drip feed content into wordpress.

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Transcription of How To Drip Feed Content Into Your WordPress Blog

This video I’m going to show you how you

can drip feed content into wordpress ok

so first course you need to go to wear

your contents guy come in and that is

into posts and then we’re going to add

new at this point you write your article

are get your article and paste it in

here and i’m just going to grab this one

from ezinearticles and make sure to get

a article from here that she bring the

link in ok now the next thing you do is

courses pick your category you put any

tags in here just the normal post stuff

that you would do now the difference

comes in when we go to post that you see

here it says publish immediately i do is

go in here and edit and then we can tell

it when we wanted to post you can do

this right down to the hour and minute

ok so we click OK and then we click


ok so you can just go ahead and go about

doing that

put all your posting like that so you

can get ahead of things if you’re if you

have a lot of things to post you can

just post them all at once but just

scheduled to come out now when we go

back to all posts and then you’ll see

here it says scheduled ok so on that

date it will automatically post to the

blog and be visible

it will also do the normal pinging that

it does when something’s posted the

wordpress ok so that’s how you do

content dripping in WordPress

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