Entrepreneur Traits – Conclusion

This book is intended to help the serious person desiring to be an entrepreneur to take the first steps towards their success. In this book, you learned how important mindset is when it comes to success. You’ve learned that it’s the ultimate factor that stands between the average person desiring success and the person that actually achieves it.

You are able to take stock of yourself, learn what your current strengths are, and which ones you need to cultivate in the future as well as what weaknesses have kept you from success in the past. You are able to learn how to set yourself up with healthy mindsets instead and how to use that new mindset to take you as far as you want to go. Of course, this is no easy journey and it may take some time to develop that mindset. No one is expecting you to change overnight but hopefully, this book will help you take the first two steps towards success.

Action Steps to Take

Here is a step-by-step summary of all the things that you need to do to attain the success that you desire, based on the principles and information in this book.

  1. Realize how important mindset is. Understand that your mindset is what will determine whether or not your successful – for good or for bad. Know how to change your mindset so that you can steer it towards success.
  2. Know what all of your current strengths are. Know what skills you bring to the table, know which skills that you’re going to need but that you might need to hone and understand how to use the skills to achieve the success that you want.
  3. Conversely, know what your weaknesses are some they don’t prevent you from being successful. You know that in the past, your weaknesses have been responsible for you not achieving your goals. This time, tell yourself, it isn’t going to happen because you control your weaknesses; they don’t control you.
  4. You are going to change your mindset to be healthy and geared toward success. No matter what your goals are from this time forward your mindset will be a positive one and that will change your life completely. Even if you decide never to open up your own business this will give you success in your marriage, your job and your interpersonal relationships.
  5. You’ll know how to focus on the present and quit dwelling in the past.
  6. You’ll know the proper way to set goals so that they are clear, concise and specific, and they give you the ability to create a roadmap to reaching them.
  7. You know how to be the best self that you can be. You’ll understand the process of change and be actively working on it with the confidence of knowing that as of right now you truly are the best self you can be.
  8. Understand how to value your time so that other people don’t take it from you and so that you can use it to achieve the goals that will take you from here to wherever your success is. No one else is as important as you are when it comes to achieving your goals.
  9. You’ll learn why you should serve others and how you can serve others, including both your customers and other people in the business. You now understand why this is so important and how it can help you become a better person.
  10. You’ll be grateful for what you have currently, how to give thanks for each day and why this is great for your future success.

Entrepreneur Traits – Checklist

Change your mindset.

  • Find out what your current mindset is.
  • Change it if it needs changing.
  • Continually track your mindset and do maintenance.
  • Convince the mind, get past barriers to change.

Evaluate your strengths

  • What do you do better than just about anyone else you know?
  • What are you passionate enough about to have an
  • advantage working with?
  • Add positive aspects of your personality that will help you be successful.
  • Add skills and abilities that you have developed or are in the process of developing.
  • Make a list of all the attributes of successful people that you can think of.
  • Cross-reference this list with the list of attributes and abilities you made for yourself.

Determine your weaknesses

  • Figure out what is your personal kryptonite; what weakness is most keeping you from success?
  • Make a list of weaknesses that might be eating and failure.
  • Differentiate between physical impediments, interpersonal and mental.
  • Make a game plan for getting to the bottom of these weaknesses.
  • Evaluate the beliefs that are causing the disadvantages and change them.
  • Make sure you rinse and repeat the process for any future weaknesses that you discover.


Develop healthy mindset habits

  • Understand what habits are, how they are formed and begin to create new habits in your life.
  • If you have habitual negative self-talk, start your day with positive affirmations.
  • Spend some time each day thinking about and evaluating your feelings so you can get to know yourself better.
  • When you have doubts, take a step back and evaluate them objectively.
  • Make it a goal to learn something new every single day.
  • Especially focus on learning things to help you become a better entrepreneur or motivate you.
  • Don’t forget the past, but focus on the present.
  • Understand there is value in remembering a past mistake, but there is no reason to dwell on it or live in the past.
  • Realize and get confidence from knowing that other people don’t remember your mistakes nearly as vividly as you do and most will not remember them at all.
  • Turn failures into successes, first in your mind then in reality.
  • When you think “what if,” consider the possibility that you’ll be wildly successful instead of a failure.
  • Make your goals and ensure that they are as clear as possible.
  • Create specific goals that have an end result that is measurable and realistic.
  • Aim higher with your goals than you think you can achieve but not so much as to be unrealistic.
  • Put your goals into action by creating several long-term goals but you’ll be striving for over a certain period of time.
  • Develop milestones along the way and continue breaking down those goals until you can see what exactly you need to do daily to achieve the next milestone.
  • Make a commitment to be the best self you can possibly be.
  • Set a time to work and be there at the beginning and work until the end just as if it were a job, which it is.
  • If someone needs your help be willing to assist if you can.
  • Develop relationships with other entrepreneurs, industry professionals and anyone who can advise you or motivate you and your business.
  • Be patient, flexible and always use integrity in all your business dealings.
  • Don’t multitask. You’ll get a lot more done if you focus on one thing at a time.
  • Make the time you spend working on your business or top priority.
  • Be stingy with your time when it comes to the period you’ve set aside for working on your business.
  • Don’t price items to undercut competitors; price products and services which you feel their worth.
  • Learn how to manage your time more effectively.

Be willing to serve

  • Remember, you are there to serve your customers. Good customer service is one of the most important keys to success.
  • Be willing to mentor others when the opportunity arises and serve that way as well.
  • Develop a reputation as someone who is willing to go above and beyond for people.
  • Be grateful.
  • Be thankful for the opportunities that you have and any success that you achieve.
  • If you have a hard time being grateful practice until you get it right.
  • Take opportunities to pay it forward when you get the chance.

Entrepreneur Traits – Mind Map

Entrepreneur Traits a mind map

Entrepreneur Traits – Resources

If you’re reading this then you’re desperate to start your own business and live the life of a successful entrepreneur. In the book we covered a variety of important steps that you need to take in order to establish the correct mindset that allows you to create success.

This resource guide was created as a way to give you extra materials, should you feel that you want to continue reading and building your knowledge. All of the resources here have been carefully selected to give you up-to-date and accurate information that will allow you to build a platform for success.

The entrepreneurial success mindset is all about establishing a better you to allow yourself the best chances of success. The resources in this guide are here to give you the best chance of creating a successful business.

Websites & Articles to Help You Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Forbes Magazine Case Study: This is a great, in-depth article by Forbes magazine. It demonstrates how literally anyone can become an entrepreneur in just a few weeks. Most of the stuff is common sense, but there are some real gems in this article.

Social Media Examiner: This is a site that takes a look at the current state of social media. Social media is going to be a big part of your entrepreneurial venture no matter what type of business you’re going into. This site will allow you to keep up with what’s going on and use social media to its maximum potential.

A Smart Bear: This is one of the most useful websites out there for entrepreneurs. It features articles and information about all aspects of entrepreneurship. If you check it out once in a while, read a few articles a week, it will help you improve your business.


Websites to Help You Decide on a Business or Entrepreneurial Venture

Mashable: Mashable is sort of a tech website, sort of a current events website and other things. However, what makes it useful for you and other entrepreneurs is that it keeps up on all the latest trends and will allow you to be informed about what the next big thing is going to be. Plus, they also have great features giving advice to entrepreneurs.

Websites and Applications to Help You Manage Your Time Better

Rescue Time: Rescue Time is a useful app that allows you to see where your time is going and if there’s something you can do to become more productive.

Evernote: If you’re one of those people that has notes, ideas and information scattered all over there virtual or actual desktop, Evernote may be just what you’re looking for. This handy site allows you to store all of your notes in one place so you can actually find them again.

Focus Booster: Want something that will actually help you keep your focus when you’re working on a big project? Focus Booster is exactly that program. This is a premium program but it is only a very reasonable $2.99 per month and offers a free trial.

My Life Organized: My Life Organized is a powerful program that works across all of the major platforms and allows you to do just what the title says – organize your life. It has a lot of great features and it’s very easy to use.

Some of the More Popular Internet Marketing Forums

Warrior Forum: this is a community of Internet marketers, known as warriors, the pretty much share information sell each other products and services and get and give advice. This is one of the most popular Internet marketing forums on the web.

Digital Point Forum: the DP forum is pretty much the same animal as the Warrior Forum but if you can’t find what you’re looking for on one, you can definitely check out the other.

Sitepoint Forums: The Sitepoint Forums are filled with Internet marketing advice on a variety of topics, and you can ask pretty much any question in there and get an answer.

Resources to Help You in Starting Your Own Website

Namecheap: Namecheap is one of the best domain registrars on the web. They have great prices on a huge variety of domains, plus they offer hosting services and give you things like free Whois Guard for the entire first year that you have your site.

Hostgator: Hostgator is one of the most popular hosting services in the world for very good reason: they have unbeatable prices. You can host his many domains as you want, with unlimited traffic, for less than you spend on an average meal at a restaurant. Plus they have shared hosting, virtual private servers as well as actual private servers.


Content Management Systems, E-Commerce Platforms and More

WordPress: WordPress is the most popular content management system out there, with tons and tons of free themes, lots of widgets, plug-ins and much more. Your host may integrate WordPress installation into your Control Panel but you can find all kinds of useful tools and information and WordPress.com.

Shopify: Shopify is simply the best and most popular e-commerce framework on the market. For a very small monthly fee you can set up an e-commerce website in minutes. You can sell real world products, services or even subscriptions, and everything is already integrated into the website for you, including: shipping and order fulfillment, payments, visual design and much more including search engine optimization. Shopify provides its own hosting to subscribers.

Blogs to Help You Stay Motivated

Think Entrepreneurship: Think Entrepreneurship is a website designed to motivate entrepreneurs and provide them with all sorts of information that can help them make their business better or to improve themselves personally. You can find articles, vignettes and stories that will keep you going. This website is all about the individual entrepreneur and keeping him or her motivated.

Entrepreneur.com: Entrepreneur is a website dedicated to entrepreneurship and to the individual entrepreneur. They’ve been around for a while so you’ll see them come up in the search engines first quite a bit. If you spend any length of time on the site you’ll find real gems in there that can keep you going even when frustration is at the highest.

Other Ways to Find Resources

Don’t just restrict yourself to the resources listed here. There are books, videos, online tutorials and a whole plethora of ideas out there for budding entrepreneurs. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for ideas for your business, products that are keeping in with current trends were advice on how to use social media there is good information out there if you look for it; the problem is, there is a lot of bad information out there too, but the sooner the you can learn the landscape, and find out which sources are trustworthy, the better equipped you’ll be to reach your goals and be successful.

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