by Andre W. Klein | May 30, 2016 | Stress Management
One thing you need to learn to do if you’re going to get more time back in your life is to work out in a small space of time. Why? Because exercise is crucial to giving you more energy which in turn will allow you to get more out of the time you do have. At the same time, exercise normally takes a very long time. If you are currently doing a 40 minute workout at the gym, commuting there and back and also washing up a bunch of your clothes, then chances are that you are spending 1.5 to 2 hours each time you train!
by Andre W. Klein | May 30, 2016 | Stress Management
At its most fundamental, time is freedom. The more time you have that is your own, the more choices you have regarding what you want to do and how you want to direct the course of your life. What this tells you is that you can increase your freedom and stop feeling like you’re being led around in your own life by freeing up more time.
And one of the best ways to free up time? Working online.
by Andre W. Klein | May 30, 2016 | Stress Management
Getting back time is all about having more time to do the things you enjoy in life. This means that you stop spending time working in the office and you cut back on washing up and commuting.
Instead, you’re going to try and start spending time doing things you love such as being with your family, watching great TV and pursuing your personal goals/projects.
by Andre W. Klein | May 30, 2016 | Stress Management
One of the biggest lies you see commonly in books and online is that you can cook a meal in ten minutes.
How often have you seen books with titles like ‘Ten Minute Meals’?
There are a few things you can cook in ten minutes but really these don’t get much more ambitious than beans on toast or ‘an egg’.
by Andre W. Klein | May 30, 2016 | Stress Management
Automation is a business term that basically means you set up a system to handle a part of your job for you. This in turn allows you to spend more time doing other important things and at the same time to exponentially increase your output and scale your production.
The obvious example is to use an automated assembly line to create a product rather than doing it by hand. This saves countless man-hours and means in theory that you can produce 10x or 100x the amount of product to sell and scale up your profits in accordance.
by Andre W. Klein | May 30, 2016 | Stress Management
If you ran a business, then you would recognize the value of time. Time is money as they always say and if you can get back an hour in the day then you can use that hour to do one more job for one more client and get paid once more!
Thus any time you outsource a job, you should be able to work out just how much this is profiting you. Every job you hire someone to do should be an investment that will offer a return. The more you spend, the more you should make.