A Basic Introduction to Social Media Marketing

A Basic Introduction to Social Media Marketing

The key to effective social media marketing is the exact same as the key to effective content marketing: providing value.
Unfortunately, this is something that a huge number of businesses have absolutely no idea how to do and that results in some very poorly managed social media.
Take a look at the social media pages of your typical local B2B companies and you will find that they tend to post some rather uninspiring and vapid statuses and posts. You’ll see things like:
“Find out why our contact management solution is the best in the business!”
“Order our EPOS system today to start serving your customers better!”
This is nothing but blatant self-promotion and not even interesting self-promotion. Ask yourself: why would anyone be interested in following that? What are they gaining by reading your posts?

Introducing Content Marketing

Introducing Content Marketing

There are many different aspects to good internet marketing, which include SEO, press releases, social media marketing, influencer marketing and more.
Once upon a time, internet marketing could mean simply picking one of these facets – such as SEO – and then trying to spam it until a site got to the top of Google and started getting thousands of views.
Today though, this method just doesn’t work and in fact is much more likely to get you penalized by Google.
Today, the only way to succeed online is by delivering quality and the best way to do that is by updating your blog regularly. This is the central tenant of content marketing and as you will see, content marketing can provide the backbone of your entire digital marketing strategy…

Starting With Solid Foundations for Your Internet Marketing Business

Starting With Solid Foundations for Your Internet Marketing Business

As we saw in the introduction, internet marketing is for everyone and can apply to many different types of business. For the purposes of this book though, we are going to broadly categorize readers into two groups:

– Those with an existing business they want to promote
– Those wanting to set up an online business or make money directly through internet marketing

And for now, we’re going to concentrate on the second group. If you already have a business, this is still worth reading but if you’re in a rush to get to the good stuff, skip through to the section on website creation.

What is Internet Marketing and Why Should You Care?

What is Internet Marketing and Why Should You Care?

Internet marketing simply entails promoting your business on the web. Any marketing activity that is carried out online is considered ‘internet marketing’ and that includes:

Search engine optimization (SEO)
Content marketing
Social media marketing
PPC advertising
Influencer marketing
Press releases
Email marketing
And more…
These various pillars of internet marketing can each help you to bring more visitors to a website or a blog and that in turn then gives you the opportunity to promote your business and hopefully drive ‘conversions’ (i.e. turning visitors into customers).

How to Price and Position Your Items to Increase Sales

What determines how well an item sells?
Many people think it is the quality of the item.
Others think it is the quality of the marketing.
But actually, it’s both those things and lots more. The rather daunting aspect of selling a product is that you need to get everything right and that countless tiny factors are all influencing how well your product sells (or doesn’t) at any given time.

How to Overcome Buyer’s Remorse and Other Barriers to Sale

One of the biggest things preventing you from making sales of your product, is something called buyer’s remorse. This term basically describes the feeling of deflation that many of us will feel when we splurge and buy something that we probably shouldn’t have. In all likelihood, you will have done it yourself: seen something you want and then spent money on it that you didn’t actually have.
We do this because we are motivated by the emotional promise of the product but then we feel guilty because we realise we didn’t really need it – and our child’s college fund probably did!

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