Branding for bloggers and small businesses

Branding for bloggers and small businesses

The reason why spoken communication evolved from grunting to specific words is because this improved the odds that your cave-inhabiting ancestors were getting their message across. Whether language is spoken or written, it is generally used to shed more light on the message you are trying to communicate. As long as you are speaking the same language as another person, and you both understand the meaning of the words and phrases you are each using, you can have an enlightening and well-understood discourse.

This is not always the case.

In the situation of the words “brand” and “branding”, a lot of people seem to have very different ideas as to their meaning. Some equate branding with marketing, and while these two business tools are interconnected, they are not the same thing. Others believe that a brand is nothing more than a logo.

Logos can do a very good job delivering a brand message (or not), but in many cases, if someone was to look at a logo without knowing what the corresponding company was about, that logo would give them no knowledge as to what the company does or what it offers.

Run a challenge and grow your following and business

Run a challenge and grow your following and business

Some people are naturally competitive. No matter what they are doing, serious or not, they want to win. They can turn noncompetitive situations, such as folding clothes or washing their car, into a competition with themselves and others. Everyone, to some degree, has a competitive instinct. You just have to know what to do to trigger that response in those people to make it pay off in your business.

Other people are not quite so competitive. Sure, they would rather win than lose, but losing is not always that big of a deal to them. However, these people and the natural-born competitors mentioned earlier most likely want to do one thin… socialize. Just about everyone likes spending time with others who express similar interests and desires. This is a survival fact that has resulted in you and I being here today.

Our ancient ancestors learned it was easier to survive when they hung around in groups, rather than trying to go it alone. This led to the development of the first cities and societies. Loners who tried to brave the elements by themselves had a much higher mortality rate than people who chose to live in socialized groups.

Human beings who live get to pass on their traits and genetic hard-wiring, which is why most people enjoy socializing with others that express similar interests today.

Why Getting More Testimonials Can Boost Your Business

You probably have made a purchase because of a reference given to you by a friend or family member. When you see advertisements where people just like you mention how great a product is, you believe what that person has to say more than you do someone who is trying to get you to buy their offerings. Simply put, people tend to believe the advice of a “regular Joe” similar to themselves, rather than a paid marketer.
This is how testimonials can boost your business.

What Role Does Social Media Have in Your Sales Funnel?

Spending time on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn can be a great way to build a pool of prospects or leads. LinkedIn is full of millions of business professionals that are more serious about the way they spend their time online. People on Facebook are not there to be marketed to, and both Twitter and Pinterest users have their own unique characteristics and patterns of behavior. Because of this, not all social media sites are alike when it comes to your sales funnel.

What is an Online Marketing Funnel?

If you have ever used a funnel, you know what one looks like. The idea is that you can focus a large quantity of something down into a very narrow flow. That is why funnels are wide at the opening and extremely narrow, sometimes even pointed, at the bottom. This upside down pyramid shape also works extremely well online for building your business.
The attention span of people online is extremely short. There are so many marketing messages, social media sites, consumer electronics and other media vying for the attention of your prospect. This is exactly the reason why an online marketing funnel is so important. You focus, or funnel, the attention of your prospects in a very specific way, providing value, building a relationship and eventually presenting an offer.

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