Choosing the right Domain and Hosting Service for eCommerce sites

Choosing the right Domain and Hosting Service for eCommerce sites

A big part of your eCommerce presence is going to be what you name your site, what website address you use and where you place it, all of which will determine how easy it is to find your website on the internet.
Your website address doesn’t necessarily need to have your company name on it, but it will need something related to it, or your business in order to be good for marketing and search engine friendly. A website address is what is called a domain.

The Anatomy of a Profit-pulling eCommerce site

The Anatomy of a Profit-pulling eCommerce site

By now you already know that an eCommerce website is a place where business is conducted; from selling goods and services to advertising products through affiliate sites, and you have an idea of how an eCommerce site looks and works.
You know that a good eCommerce site has a main page, a great range of images, a search bar and a menu to select product categories from. This is the basic anatomy of an eCommerce site and covers the basic ways to navigate it.

eCommerce – Locating a ready-to-buy online audience

eCommerce – Locating a ready-to-buy online audience

The internet is populated by millions and millions of visitors each day, and each one of these visitors has a number of places to go daily. Every place, every website, every online retailer and the news outlet that they visit responds to one group of things: their needs.
Without realizing it, everybody is looking for a solution to one or more of their needs. We are not necessarily talking about needs like food or shelter, but other needs like the need for work, the need for entertainment, the need for art, the need for music, the need for innovation, and so on.

eCommerce – How can an Online Marketer make tons of money selling online?

eCommerce – How can an Online Marketer make tons of money selling online?

The internet has given retailers the opportunity to reach a global market in a way that is so fast and efficient it is hard to believe the world could exist without it. eCommerce has made life easier for businesses and customers alike.
It isn’t just because it allows companies to sell their products and services around the world without major hassles, but because it allows them to market more efficiently by using their own means and getting their own clients to actually help them in exchange for a portion of the profit.

eCommerce – How can an Independent Professional offer their services using the internet?

eCommerce – How can an Independent Professional offer their services using the internet?

The internet has opened up a window of possibilities in the field of commerce and business that is unparalleled by anything before it. The internet has become a great venue to find and to offer services in a way that paid ads on newspapers and magazines could only dream about.
It is now quite common for regular folks to work only on the internet. You can have a good portion of independent professionals on the web just looking at the results for local job searches on any search engine, but who are these people and what are they doing?

How can an existing offline business benefit from eCommerce?

How can an existing offline business benefit from eCommerce?

Brick and mortar businesses have been the staple of commercial activity for as long as they have been around. You went to the store, you found what you wanted and then you were on your way back home.

Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, businesses have diversified and have put many of their activities online, going as far as becoming online retailers without an offline presence. In this chapter, you’ll learn how your business can benefit from having an online storefront!

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