As the diverse Article and Press Release directories accept different formats of text (HTML, Text only with a simple URL; Text with ANCHOR TEXT link formatting only), it is best to prepare the document first for each format.

In case you do not receive a MS Word formatted document (*.doc or *.docx), it needs first to be saved as Word XP, 2000 or 2003, closed and reopened in MS Word. In Open Office (*.odt) you simple go File > “Save as..”

The basic steps are:

See first this Word Macro Tutorial video  for  details on “How to Replace MS Word Smart Quotes With Straight Quotes with a MS Word Macro”. It is best viewed in full-screen mode. Then watch the following video. The basic steps are outined below

Prepare for copying into WordPress: Once we have replaced all smart quotes with straight quotes, we change all lines to paragraphs (replace ^l  with ^p), and then remove any double paragraph (replace ^p^p with ^p).

Copy the text into any WordPress editor

  1. Then select the text and copy it back into Word. This cleans up the text and avoids errors, like missing spaces between words,  when copying into some HTML editors like  Note! In the video I explain first that I copy from Word to Treyedit (4:07 min). This is wrong, and I correct it later on in the video (7:03). The proper order is to copy from Word to WP, then back from WP into Word (this cleans formatting that some editors don’t understand) and finally from Word into Treyedit or any other  editor that supports Word
  2. Create the ANCHOR text version: Remove all formatting from the WP text by clicking on the corresponding “rubber” button.
    Now go to the HTML editor tab and copy the whole code into the word document, below the normal text you just copied.

Prepare the HTML code: Copy the reformatted/clean Word text into the HTML online editor

When pasting, it is important to use the Word button,  otherwise you may paste a lot of Word specific rubbish into the HTML.  I had sometimes problems with Chrome, but Firefox and Internet Explorer should work fine.

Copy text to directory editors: Copy either the text or HTML (all between the tags <body> …. </body>) to the article editors corresponding text or HTML editor tab.  This avoids formatting problems and retains the links. But to keep a fully prepared document I recommend to copy also a HTML version into the MS Word document, as you may need it later on again.

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