Shipping Time and Cost

The best thing about FBA is that it can greatly increase your sales. The reason for this is that when you use FBA, your products qualify for Amazon’s Free Super Saver Shipping. This means that Amazon can offer customers free shipping on orders over $25.

Also, Amazon can offer Amazon Prime Members free, two day shipping on your products. This is huge. Most people who shop online love free, two day shipping. Many buyers place a great deal of stock into their shipping cost. If you are not able to offer them free shipping, they may move on to another company who can. The same is true when it comes to shipping time. If a customer must wait 5 days to get your product and two days from another company, they will go with the other company.

Your Business Won’t Sleep

Since you have Amazon shipping for you, your business is working 24 hours a day to make sure that your order go out on time. As long as your products are at the Amazon Fulfillment Center, your business is always running. This allows you to go on vacation or just take a week off, and your orders will still go out.

An Internet Business that Can Grow

Rather than renting a warehouse and hiring employees to package and ship your orders, you can just send them to Amazon in bulk. It is even possible to have products that have been imported shipped directly to the fulfillment center. This allows your business to grow without a great deal of additional expenses. This service can also be used to manage and ship orders that your customers place through, eBay, and many others.

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