Internet Marketing Preface

Whether you’re already making money online or you’re just beginning your awesome journey with Internet marketing, the following tips will be useful.

If you’re not familiar with Internet marketing, then let me briefly explain that the term pretty much refers to any form of making money using the Internet as a means to receive payment and provide a service or product.  Meaning it’s mostly (all) digital.

This article will briefly dive into a few tips that you can apply to any form or aspect of Internet marketing regardless of your niche or market.

Start Building An Email List From Day 1

If you haven’t started building an email list yet and you’re already making money online, then you need to stop and start monetizing all of the traffic.

In the situation that you have customers buying a product from you, you should be gathering their email address upon payment so that you can contact them in the future and inform them of new offers and products.

Let’s say you are an affiliate marketer, you should be using a middle ground to gather leads from traffic that doesn’t convert (or does convert).  You can do this by presenting viewers with a squeeze page or some sort of offer to extract their e-mail address from them.

E-mail marketing is by far one of the most powerful assets to any business nowadays.  To skip over it and not pay it any mind is only hurting you in the long run because you won’t be able to drive massive traffic consisting of people that “trust” you already to any offer you have.

Furthermore, if you’re receiving traffic that’s bouncing from your website, meaning that they aren’t buying, converting, or doing anything, and you let them leave – then you’re leaving A LOT more than just money on the table.

You should always be trying to add any customers, visitors, readers, fans, and traffic to an e-mail list of some sort so that you can monetize and / or contact them later on down the road.

Explore Different Methods For Generating Traffic

Too often do people and businesses rely on paid traffic or even get stuck in the mindset that they can’t seem to generate new (free) traffic to their offers.

The reality of the situation is that there’s endless pools of traffic all around, especially when it comes to the Internet.  All that really needs to happen is an exploration into new methods.

There’s a vast array of social networks out there, and more than enough training courses and information to teach exactly how to squeeze every last drop of FREE traffic out of the network.  This includes websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, just to name a few.

Furthermore, if there’s ever a need for traffic – the first place to look is to YouTube and start creating videos.  Whether it’s just simple text and image based slides with a few animations here and there and some music, that’s all it takes to make a video to create traffic.

There’s hundreds of ways to create quality videos for FREE just by doing a simple Google search and experimenting.

Create some videos, upload the videos with proper title, description, tags, and so on and then share it anywhere and everywhere.  Rinse and repeat until you hit the winning combo of keywords or really anything could happen that results in a successful video campaign.

The point is, there’s tons of ways to get traffic, you just have to put some fore-thought into the process.

Networking With Others

As with anything in life, it’s important to make connection and network with other like-minded marketers and individuals in the same niche / market as you.

Not only in your market and niche, but across every venture you make and communities you join and explore.  Try to make as many friends and positive beneficial relationships as you can.

If you’re affiliate marketing, you can reach out to the vendors of products and if you have an idea for promoting their product (as an affiliate) let them know and try to get their insight as well.  Things like that are great ways to form connections with people you work with or amongst.

Let’s say you’re selling a service or product on a marketplace or even on your own website.  You will be interacting with customers and clients and that’s your opportunity to communicate with them.

When it comes to your customers, it’s especially important to talk to them and find out what they want.  This can help you improve and expand your business and your overall marketing efforts.

The general idea here is that you should try to have positive communication in every encounter that you have when it comes to online marketing.  Consider that often times you won’t be communicating face to face, so it’s very important to put emphasis on the way you present yourself via text.

Networking and creating business relationships will ensure the longevity of both your business and your marketing efforts continue to flourish.

Creating Your Own Product

Mentioning the subject of creating “your own product” frequently seems to come off as some massive gigantic process.  It’s actually not always like that.

Sure you can have HUGE product launches, but when it comes to the Internet, they don’t have to be mega every single time.

Here’s just a few ideas for products you can create:

  • E-Book or Course
  • Training Guide
  • Video Series
  • Software
  • Plugin
  • Service of Any Kind
  • Blueprint or Methodology

Think about how you can adapt the above ideas to your own market, niche, brand or anything you’re doing.  Think of a way that you can solve an issue that people might have or provide a solution.  Think of a way to benefit others and right there you have a product that you can market.

You can start small with these kinds of things and then work your way up.  Break down the steps of product creation into smaller steps to make things easier. Next you want to focus on creating a sales page or sales letter to create conversions.

This is where you can use the e-mail list you’ve already built to drive tons of traffic, or you can reach out to the other marketers you’ve connected with and have them help you promote your product or offer.

Optimizing And Improving Your Workflow

This could be as simple as just making some schedule changes, adjusting your work environment, or having a different approach to working.

Organizing your folders on your computer, create folders to organize other things, just keeping everything in order and clean.  All of that kind of stuff will greatly improve your work output and your overall work enjoyment level.

After, during, and before each project or task you do, you should be constantly analyzing things that occur.  Figure out where improvements can be made and how you can do things better the next time or just in the future.  This can both save you time and create less stress as well.

Another thing that can be a huge help is to set a schedule or a routine around the tasks or jobs that you have to complete.

Going a step further, you can even log the time invested on each tasks or the job as a whole.  This allows you to really analyze your work flow and make any necessary adjustments.

Managing your time, efforts, and everything in between will end up going a long when it comes to improving your efficiency and making things better all around.

Last Words

I hope that you’ve found at least some bit of insight in the tips in this report.

While I haven’t gone too far into detail with much of the stuff I’ve mentioned, I did spend a lot of time scrutinizing over the “tips” that I shared and the information that I shared regarding each tip.

Internet marketing, making money online, and seeing positive results can take time and a lot of hard work.  Don’t be afraid to try new things and definitely never fear the result of failure.

No matter what happens in your journey towards making money online and being your own boss, take what you’ve experienced and learn every step away and use it to improve upon every business and project you approach.

Finally, I want to thank you for taking the time to read these tips and I hope it was well worth your time.  Good luck and happy marketing!

Resources List

Tips For Making Money Online (Short & Long Term):

  • Start Building An E-mail (Subscriber) List ASAP (Day 1)
  • Explore Different Methods For Generating Traffic (Free & Paid)
  • Network With Other Like-minded Individuals On Forums, Websites, Etc.
  • Create Your Own Exclusive To You Product Or Service And Sell It
  • Set A Schedule And Stick To It
  • Optimize Your Workflow And Perfect Every Aspect Of It
  • Frequently Review Your Progress And Your Performance

Ideas For Creating Your Own Product(s):

  • E-Book or Course
  • Training Guide
  • Video Series
  • Software
  • Plugin
  • Service of Any Kind
  • Blueprint or Methodology

Email Auto-responder Providers:

  • Aweber
  • GetResponse
  • MailChimp
  • iContact
  • SendLane
  • ARP Reach
  • InfusionSoft
  • Constant Contact

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