The Huge Differences Between Selling 1 Product and 10 Products

Here’s a story I want to share with you.

James is selling 1 product as an online marketer. He needs to clock in 12 hours just to get a mass amount of traffic to convert them into potential customers.

Not to mention that his income is just 5 thousand dollars a month. Things such as customer support, customer refunds, customer complaints… … are actually easy to handle since he has gotten only 1 product in his hands.

On the other hand, here’s this guy name Michael. He has 10 products in his hands and he’s making 100 thousand dollars a month. Wondering if he’s clocking in 12 hours a day too? NO! He just needs to work for 5 hours or less per day. He doesn’t even need to look for more traffic to convert them into potential customers. By using the existing traffic and buyers, he is able to make 300% more sales!

Wondering how Michael does this? This is no secret! All he has is a systematic sales funnel that assists him all the way. An effective formula which is able to assist you in handling every day matters almost instantly.

Upgrade Your Business To Big Tickets

I believe that it’s a usual scenario for you to encounter this scenario, when the staff in McD is asking you whether you want to upgrade your meal.

When upgrading your meal, it seems logical for you to have more stuff at a lower price compared to you buying two sets to form a large meal on your own.

This is also the same tactic to earn more from your customers! You can put up an expansion for them to upgrade their first purchase. Not only will they get more of what they want, you will be cashing in more from your upsell.

Besides upselling, I will also guide you on how to create downsells and back end sales.

Again, I must emphasize that a sales funnel plays a great role here for you to have a standard formula and system to operate a big ticket sales machine.

Triple Your Sales With the Same Traffic

Have you ever wondered what is an effective way to generate 7 figures a month with only the same traffic and buyers you have in hand?

Firstly, you must sell more than 1 product to achieve a high income. Selling a single product cannot lead you to the highway of a 7 figure income per month. Due to the demand of customers, you should provide them more products so that they can have a wide variety of choice to purchase from you.

I can relate to the fact that handling 1 product can be exhausting enough at times. Especially when you need to provide customer support and refunds. So what you need is none other than an effective system with a solid plan and formula.

Once you have a system, regardless of how many products you have in hands, you will still be able to handle them easily.

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