Niche Marketing – 10 – Is There Room for You to Launch Products?

Niche Marketing – 10 – Is There Room for You to Launch Products?

Selling affiliate products that are either physical or digital is one very good way to quickly start making a lot of profit with no need to create something of your own.

However, if you’re looking for the single most profitable monetization option available, then creating your own product is by far the best option. This way, you won’t just keep a percentage of the profit but will instead get 100% of that profit.

Niche Marketing – 9 – Think in Terms of Tangible Affiliate Profits

While digital products have a lot of benefits, physical objects or ‘tangibles’ also have their advantages. This is particularly true for particular demographics who are not yet used to spending money on things they can’t physically hold in their hands. Older audiences and audiences less tech-savvy will be far more inclined to buy things they get to keep, as will those who are less inclined to read or learn (which most digital products revolve around).

The niches that appeal to these kinds of visitors then, will also lend themselves more to selling real products. The same is true for niches that are directly related to particular products or tools.

Niche Marketing – 8 – Digital Product Affiliate Promotion Potential

If you’re not going to be relying on adverts, then what other options do you have for monetization? One of the most profitable and easiest to get into is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing (as you probably know) means selling products that you did not create and do not own. For instance then, if someone created an eBook or an online course, you could then promote that product using a link and get paid a percentage of the profit every time that someone bought it. Sometimes this percentage can be anything up to 60% of the price!

Niche Marketing – 7 – Is It Click Worthy?

We’ve already asked whether you’ll be able to get high payouts from particular niches and whether or not there will be many advertisers operating in your niche. But another question to ask here is whether the topic you’re looking at is ‘click worthy’. In other words, is it likely to garner clicks, resulting in payouts from those advertisers?

Again, you’ll be looking at many of the same factors to answer this question. The most click-worthy topics are likely to be those that have a clear ‘value proposition’ or that have the potential to help your visitors earn money. This isn’t a strict requirement necessarily though.

Niche Marketing – 6 – Is Your Niche Content Rich?

We’ve looked at whether a niche has ‘evergreen content’ or not but how about content… full stop?

Of course any subject matter is going to have something to write about but it sure is easier in some areas than others.

Ideally you want to find a topic that is still active and that is still evolving. This way, there will consistently be new things you can discuss. Ideally though, you want new topics that will remain evergreen.

Niche Marketing – 5 – Zeroing in on a Certain Demographic

In the last chapter we touched on some ideas that we’re going to look into in a little more detail here.

Specifically, we spoke about the fact that some demographics have more disposable income than others and that some people are more likely to spend money too.

Thinking about your audience is an entirely different approach to your niche selection and can be an interesting way to come up with a topic to cover.

Niche Marketing – 4 – Go Where the Money Is

Now all this is great but at some point you still need to think about the money. As with the design stage of any product, it’s important to test there is an audience out there before you invest too much time and effort building your site and producing content.

This is why you need to think about how you’re going to monetize and whether the niche you’re thinking of choosing will support the business model that you have in mind.

Niche Marketing – 3 – Tapping Into Your Love of Learning

There’s one more option for those of you who might not have an obvious topic in mind yet… And that’s to learn something new.

So you have no area of expertise and no hobby or skill. That’s fine, most people don’t!

But you must have things that you find interesting. You must have ways you’d like to improve and things you’d like to learn – and this is why you can create an exciting blog around the idea that you’re learning the new subject and sharing what you’re learning at the time.

Niche Marketing – 2 – Starting with Self Interests

So if you can’t just pick the biggest niche, what do you do?

Well, a popular piece of advice among writers is to ‘write what you know’. Granted, this advice is generally aimed at fiction writers and creative writers but it definitely still applies here.

What does this mean? It means write something that you have experience in and write something that you enjoy and find interesting. In an ideal situation, you shouldn’t view writing your blog as ‘work’ at all. Rather it should be something that you actually enjoy and actively look forward to.

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