What Are the Symptoms of Information Overload?

What Are the Symptoms of Information Overload?

Information overload is a problem that a large number of us face every single day. This is one of the biggest concerns of the modern, digital age and it’s something that can have a devastating effect on our health and on our mood.

Despite this though, many of wouldn’t describe ourselves as suffering from the condition, quite simply because we don’t really know what it is…

THE STREAMLINED MIND – Putting it all Together

And with that, you should now have all the tools and knowledge necessary to start organizing your brain, organizing your life and finally feeling on top of things.

It’s a lot to take on board and of course it’s not going to change overnight. Try to avoid the temptation to force yourself to adopt all these changes right away – instead, take some time out to fix as much as you can and then try to slowly introduce as many positive new habits as you can. After all, you don’t want this to add to your overwhelm!

THE STREAMLINED MIND – Checklist and Resources

It’s time to start treating your time as your single most valuable asset, because it is!

Don’t settle for letting people walk all over your plans and your commitments.

Know what’s important to you by setting clear goals and then use as much of your time on those things as you can. That might mean more time with family, it might mean writing that novel.

THE STREAMLINED MIND – Inside and Out – Health Habits

So that’s it: that’s everything you need to know in order to start organizing your time better, getting help where you need it and really valuing your time. Decide what you really want to spend your time doing and how you want to spend your life and then just prioritize that above everything else.

What’s left is to give yourself the best fighting chance of success possible. And the way we’re going to do that is by helping you to strengthen your body and mind ready to take on that work schedule and emerge on top!



There’s another way to outsource jobs that you can’t complete on your own and to get help as well.

And what is that? Simple: ask your friends for help!

A lot of us feel bad about asking for help because we don’t want to be a burden and/or show weakness. The reality though, is that friends are there to help each other and this cuts both ways.



Successful entrepreneurs aren’t ‘yes’ men or women. These are people who value their time and who want to invest that time wisely.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, try to take the same approach. Your time is the most valuable asset you have and eventually it will run out.

THE STREAMLINED MIND – Limit Your Sources of Information

THE STREAMLINED MIND – Limit Your Sources of Information

Things are hopefully starting to become a lot more simplified, streamlined and organized for you at this point and you should have a much better handle on all the tasks you need to complete. But there are still some sources of concern – which include all those things that keep distracting you and trying to rob you of your focus.

And in particular, one of the biggest culprits are all those ‘screens’.

THE STREAMLINED MIND – Be Clear About Your Goals

One of the most important tools for organizing your time is to know your goals.

When you know your goals, this allows you to prioritize things a lot more easily. Know what’s important to you, know where you’re trying to get and know what you need to do to get there. This way, you can much more easily decide what is most pressing and what will help you get there.

THE STREAMLINED MIND – Work, Work, Work – Be More Productive

THE STREAMLINED MIND – Work, Work, Work – Be More Productive

If you’ve taken all of the above advice on board and started putting some of these systems in place then you should start to notice life becoming a bit easier. You have more time, you have fewer decisions to make and you’re less stressed thanks to a quieter social calendar.

But you’re probably still over-worked and over-stressed and this comes down a lot of the time to your work. Work is what makes many of us so stressed and it’s what leaves us with so little time to do anything else.

Time to put a stop to that.

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