No two organizations are exactly the same.  Your method of working is what makes you different from your competitors and makes you stand out as unique.  Often times, business methods are brought into the business by people they hire.  Whatever has worked for them in the past is what’s done.  That’s all well and good when it works, but it can be difficult at times to explain your secret formula to a new employee.

Trying to figure out how something was supposed to work after it has gone wrong isn’t the way it should work.  If you have a well thought out plan and document your strategies, it will be easy for employees to diagnose the problem and help prevent the problems from reoccurring.  It helps avoid making the same critical mistakes.

When you first begin your business, you may experiment with various methods of doing things.  If you document each process, you’ll be able to see what works best.  It will allow you to improve the process and make the business work more efficiently.  A well-documented process can also help when someone important leaves the company suddenly.  It can be used to bring a new hire up to speed on all the aspects of their new job.

Very few people really love documentation.  Documenting your business processes won’t really add revenue to your top line.  If you focus on being efficient with the money you have, you can add value to your business and help it to grow.

Once you create proper documentation for every task in your business, you can delegate those tasks to your staff or people you outsource.

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