Writing for an online audience is very different from writing for an offline audience. It’s hard for some people to master because it means giving up old ways of thinking and embracing a new style, which almost feels a bit too comfortable.

When you’re offline, there are many things that can sometimes help you convey the message you’re trying to get across. If you have a brick and mortar business, then you can use facial expressions, tone of voice and other methods to greet and persuade your prospects to become buyers.

Online, there’s a certain ability to use multi media (like audio and video), but most people still rely on the written word to help them capture the attention of their audience, explain how their products and services can benefit the visitor, and convince them to become loyal, paying customers.

Getting Past the Former Writing Rules You Learned

It’s difficult for us to spend so many years in school learning about the proper way to write, only to be told we should abandon that way of thinking when we enter the online writing world.

But it’s mostly true.

The serious, strict writing rules will serve as an obstacle between you and your customers. But not everything has to be thrown out the window. There are some writing rule staples that both the offline and online audience will appreciate.

Spelling is one of them. Your audience will be able to understand your message better if you’re able to spell words correctly. Don’t rely on your word processor’s spell check tool to do the work for you.

Some grammar rules will help your readers because they help with the flow of ideas. But not everything is a stickler anymore. You might want to leave a dangling participle for example – and that’s up to you! You can have a fragment here and there and it will be perfectly acceptable.

More than anything, your writing needs to be causal and conversational. Not stuffy like you’re writing for a college professor. Not overly technical so that your reader gets lost. Just write like you talk for the most part and you’ll see your audience become more engaged with your online content.

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