With Meetup, you will receive a URL on your Meetup such as:


This is a disaster. Why? Let’s just say someone in your local area want to join your group. You can’t just give them a link such as: http://www.meetup.com/New-York-Heaven-Dining-Out-Meetup. It makes it impossible for people to remember.

Worse, when you try to utilize the promo tools from Meetup such as:

This is the reason why you need to utilize a personalized Domain Name. The question is… “How do you get a domain name that allows you to redirect to your domain name?

Well, here is a simple step you can do…

  1. Get Domain Name at


  1. Once you have chosen a domain name, redirect it to your Meetup URL which is http://www.meetup.com/New-York-Heaven-Dining-Out-Meetup

That’s all it takes. So, the next time when your potential followers ask you for your meetup group, you can give them a URL such as: http://yourmeetupgroup.com

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