hi guys welcome to a special video on how to check backlinks for your website

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Transcription of How To Check Your Website Backlinks

hi guys welcome to a special video on
how to check backlinks for your website

now one of the

important things for your website is you
have to know where the traffic is coming

from and how many websites link to your
website now I’m just going to give you a

quick example here and how to check
backlinks using google now i am on

google right now and as you can see on
the homepage and what I’m going to do is

I’m going to check how many backlinks of
God for my blog so i’m going to type in

the word links and i’m going to type in
a column and i’m going to type in my

website and the scene . com

this is a blog okay as you can see
according to google I’ve got just over

948 backlinks backlinks for my web site
so this is pretty good considering this

tool is you know it’s absolutely free to
use you don’t have to download any

software and we just scroll down
backlinks for my web site so every link

that how everything is this is on here
is sort of related in some way to my web

site so did all linking to my website we
have got couple of articles as well

these articles and there are linking to
my blog so you can use this for any

website let’s just see let’s see how
many backlinks they are for the website

ok let’s see let’s try Twitter this will
love a lot backlinks or kiss over this

1,000,000,000 ok

this is d all links backlinks but where
is consider this is all the rough

estimation is some it’s not an exact
estimation of the number of backlinks

website with solver of estimation and
you can check this for any website and

blog and just gives you a really good
idea how many websites are linking to

your blog

yeah hope you enjoyed this quick video
and I hope you can check how many

backlinks you’ve got for your website or

thank you for watching

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