Hello and welcome to a special video on how to check for plagiarism on the website

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Transcription of How To Check For Plagiarism

hello and welcome to a special video on
how to check for plagiarism on the

website now there’s a lot of information
on the internet and sometimes it gets

plagiarized by certain people that’s a
lot of problems it causes on the

internet what you can do is use a free
tool called plagiarism checker com what

plagiarism checker . condors is it lets
you see which Pete which content has

been plagiarized so i’m going to do is
I’m gonna go to one of my articles and

see if it has been plagiarized some
would do is copy and paste part of the

text on this box click search click ok
as you can see my article has been

played rise by a couple of web-sites we
just click on this website here you can

see my article has been plagiarized and
i’m going to do anything about it

because you know people who played your
eyes they often do it just as a means of

cheating or dishes it means adding
content to the website but this is a

useful tool to check on any website
which has been plagiarized you feel

someone’s plagiarizing your work

okay thank you very much for watching
this video

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