Video transcript

One of the newer items that the fine folks over at Google have added to your Gmail is the tabs feature.

In this video, we’ll walk you through the setup and use of the tabs feature in your Gmail account.

Now I’ve found that some people simply love this new feature and others simply hate it. I personally think that the tabs feature will come in pretty handy. The more you use it, the better it we’ll get with helping you keep your inbox organized.

By that I mean that Google will learn as you assign e-mails to certain tabs to the point that Google will begin to auto add e-mails to the tabs it thinks you would want them in.

Starting off, it already does this to a degree but you can kind of help it along the way if it makes mistakes here and there.

Now some of my Gmail accounts already have the tabs feature turned on and others do not. So I’m going to be using this particular count here that does not already have it turned on. So to enable the tabs feature, come on over here to the settings icon. That’s this little gear thing in the top right corner. Hit that drop down arrow. Come on down to configure inbox. As you hover over these different tab names, you got some examples that pop up over here to the right. These are based on the e-mails that you’ve received. Now of course this being a demo account that is not used at all, there’s not a whole lot of activity here for Gmail to pull form. So you can see here under social, I’ve got one from YouTube. Under promotion, I’ve got 1 more Google offers, merchant newsletters, sale announcements, and so on.

Let’s go ahead and check all 5 of these. I’m going to go ahead and include the starred in primary just to show you and click save. Here we are. The very first time you do this, you’re going to get a kind of an overlay screen that shows up that gives you the option to learn more about this or something about a little blue button that says, Okay I got it, which will bring you to this page here.

Now my normal inbox that did have, I think there were 5 e-mails in there, is down to one. Those other 4 e-mails, Google tabs have already assigned them to particular tabs. Let’s go ahead and find out.

Under social, these are the ones that Google thinks should belong in the social tab.

Promotions, nothing in there. Updates, there’s this one here. And under forms, there’s nothing in there.

But as it says here, you can easily move messages between tabs. Let me show you what I’ m taking about. Just come on over here to social, and you simply left click, hold, and drag up to whatever tab you think this would be a better fit in.  The more often you do this, the more Google will learn from that and in the future; Google will probably go ahead and start adding those.  In this example, YouTube to the updates or promotions or whatever you decide to have it in.

If you want to edit your tabs feature, come on over here to this plus sign, just click on that, and you’re right back here where you can untick these guys here.  As you can see, they’re primary, that’s stuck. That’s by default. That’s got to stay there. Come on click on save and there you are. Kind of right back to where we were in the beginning. And that’s a quick look at the new tabs feature for Gmail.

That’s going to bring us to the end of this video on tabs. Thanks for watching and you have a great day.

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