Video transcript

If you’ve been online for any length of time, you’ve probably already sent and received an e-mail or two. This video will detail the composing, sending, and receiving of emails using Gmail.  Be sure and watch this entire video. Who knows? You might learn something new that can save you loads of time from here on out.

The first thing we want to do whenever we want to compose an e-mail, come on over here. Of course, you want to open up your Gmail account first but then you come over here to compose and just click on that button. This guy pops up. If you’re not familiar with the new look of Gmail, then you might be used to not popping up. Instead, you might be used to the old way. Let me just go ahead and show you. Come over here, just here and switch back, and when we go to compose, under the old way, this is what happens. Now let’s go ahead and go back as I frankly like the new way because right now, everything is pretty much only under Compose. That’s all you can do. If we come back here, with this pop up, you are also able to go through additional functions of your Gmail account.

For example if you wanted to check out some contacts, so we come on up here and you get your list of contacts. Of course, this being a new Gmail account for this demonstration, there’s no contacts in here. my point though is that this pop up stays right up here front and center which allows you to do additional items here that might be related to this particular e-mail you’re about to send out, so that’s the difference between the new and the old. Everything else is pretty much the same, basic, basic stuff.

You’ve got your cc here where it’s basic carbon copy, not the primary receiver of this e-mail will know that this person or people are getting the same e-mail that they are receiving. The BCC or blind carbon copy, the primary receiver of this e-mail will not know they are getting that.

If we just put in an e-mail here, let’s try out email to my dummy account here, and subject is going to be of course the all important test, and one thing I want to point out to is that you can see this is kind of a little compartment of sorts. If we were to say send a BCC, and then once you’ve got to the end of the e-mail address, if you hit the spacebar or move anywhere else, then it’s going to put that email address into that little box. The thing about this is that you can add additional e-mails but you can also left click+hold and drag this guy around.

For example, if we wanted to also CC, drag this up here and instead of it going to a blind carbon copy, it can go to a carbon copy. My point being, you can drag these guys around. Pretty nifty huh?

Anyway, in addition to that, you also have your basic formatting functions just like the old way. Come on down here, click on the A with the underline and you’ve got your basic formatting functions. If you don’t like what you’ve formatted, hit this guy here and it will remove all the formatting of the items you have highlighted.

Also, you hover over this area down here, you’ve got some additional options where you can add emoticons or smiley’s, add a link, an image, or photo, and files from your Google drive which is also right up here, and you can also add an attachment. If you don’t want to send this out, you can go ahead and trash it right here. Let’s go ahead and send this. Wait, let’s go ahead since I’m not sure who example at is and it might be an actual e-mail address. Let’s go ahead and send it to this guy here to demonstrate the sending. Okay. So, we’ve got the send. We’ve got the compose. Now let’s come on back here to my Gmail inbox and check out the receiving because that email account that I sent that to does not exist.

If we check this e-mail out that we receive, you see you have some additional information over here like Ads and such, and you’ve got some additional actions here that you can take or you might want to add them to your contacts or check out any additional mail you might have received from them.

And that concludes this video on composing, sending, and receiving e-mails using your Gmail account. Thanks for watching and you have a great day.

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