Knowing how to create quality videos is crucial to achieving success through advertising. Creating good videos is key to obtaining more subscribers and viewers on YouTube. You’ll have to take over a few key points before going through your advertising Campaign.

Review YouTube’s Advertising Policies

First of all, make sure to review absolutely any YouTube’s advertising policies, terms of services or any other Community Guidelines, it’s very important you know how to be part of the YouTube Community. Going to will show you very important technical guidelines, as well as additional requirements when using the TrueView ad format.

Among the Technical requirements we find out that:

For In-stream ads, it says they appear on YouTube videos, and also on Video partner sites and apps on the GDN. For the video options is advised to use a YouTube video less than 3 minutes of length, and for the image option, 300×60 companion (YouTube only), is recommended, Ad text limits is not applicable here, and you can add as click destination, your website.

For Video discovery ads, it says they appear on YouTube-related videos search results pages; the video opens on a YouTube watch or channel page, and also on Video partner sites and apps on the GDN. For the video options, any length is acceptable, and for the image option, you can choose from 4 thumbnails, for ad text limits, 100 characters is maximum for headline; 35 characters is maximum for each description, and clicks on your video thumbnail go to your video, and Clicks on CTA overlays go to your website.

We advise you take a look at all information mentioned in this page.

Creating your CampaignCreating your campaign is absolutely simple.

First of all, go to and click on sign in.

You will then be redirected to create your first campaign.

If it’s the first time creating your campaign, you will be welcomed to the Welcome to AdWords page, where you will be able to notice the 4 steps you need to follow, in order to create your first campaign.

Step 1. Choose your budget Step 2. Create your ads

Step 3. Select keywords that match your ads to potential customers And Step 4. Enter your billing information.

But those steps are for creating a custom AdWords Campaign. The steps for creating your Video Ad Campaign will be slightly different.


Creating the Ad Group and Ad

You already set up your first Campaign, you will immediately be redirected to create your Ad group and ad, to that campaign.

First, you will be able to name your campaign. You can just leave it like it is if you want.

Then is the time to add your Video.

You can Search for a video or paste the URL from YouTube. We advise you go to your YouTube Channel, look for the Video you uploaded, open it up, and copy the URL, and paste it. This will help you make sure you add the right video URL.

You will then be able to decide which video ad format you would like to go for, In-stream ad, or video discover ad.

Managing Your YouTube Video Ad Campaign

First of all, don’t get scared for the many buttons you will find in your Campaign dashboard after setting up your first advertising campaign.

The best way you can know how everything works is by simple clicking on everything you see, and by clicking on each question mark whenever it appears.

Right on top you will see the principal menu.

In the Home tab, you will be able to find all kind of reporting statistics, you will be able to see what you have just set up in your first campaign as well.

In the Campaigns tab, is where you will be able to have a closer look at your campaigns performance, as well as the opportunity to create new campaigns.

In the Opportunities tab, is where Google shows you advertising opportunities, think of this tab as a personal assistant who customizes opportunities for your account. It can help you discover new keywords, improve your bids and budgets, and more.

Still, these are automatically generated opportunities. Google can’t guarantee that they will improve your campaign performance. You are always responsible for the changes you make to your campaigns.

The reports tab is where you can create sophisticated yet simple pivot tables and charts from your performance data.

And in the Tools tab you will be able to access some awesome tools which will be of great help for you.

To the top right of your account. You will be able to access your Billing area, account settings, linked accounts, send feedback, and help. As well as notice some important notifications.

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