Pinterest Insider -5- Get Followers to Pinterest Account

Once you have customized your Pinterest page, your next step is to get followers to your Pinterest page. How do you do that? Well, it is really simple. In fact, here’s exactly what you need to do:

Click on “pin”.

On the left side bar, you will see…

Then, search for a specific topic in your niche. (For this example: Weight Loss)

Pinterest Insider -3- Pinterest Marketing Strategy That Works

As you are ready to exploit the power of Pinterest for your business, let’s create the strategy that allows you to get massive traffic to your website from Pinterest

Here are “FOUR” simple strategies you need to focus on:

Get Massive Pinterest Followers.
Build Relationship With Pinterest Followers.
Direct Pinterest Followers to Your Squeeze Page.
Recommend Products and Services to Your Subscribers.

Pinterest Insider -2- Do’s and Don’ts with Pinterest Marketing

Why is this important for you to know early on?

Well, every single time I mentioned to certain marketers that there is a way to tap into 175,000,000 users, their first thought would be to start “spamming” every user. Well, not only will it destroy your chances to attract massive traffic to your website, but it will also your Pinterest account shut down for good.

This is the reason WHY I have decided to include this chapter on this book. This allows you to understand the power of Pinterest and how you can avoid the disaster many marketers do to ruin their chances on building their business with Pinterest Marketing. Let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do with Pinterest…

Pinterest Insider -1- Introduction

You will learn the strategies to choose the right niche, set-up your Pinterest page, blog, choose the right blog theme, add opt-in form, integrate with social media, get Pinterest followers, and drive massive traffic to your website of your choice.

In addition, we will also show you how to use those resources you need to drive massive traffic where your potential customers can find you. This allows you to attract as many clients as possible for your business. Furthermore, we will show you some *NINJA* techniques to get massive traffic from Pinterest marketing to your business.

Where do we start?

Disaster Strategies You Must Avoid on Pinterest Marketing 2.0

Disaster Fact #1: Entering the Pinterest world just because everyone is utilizing Pinterest. — It is similar with trying to get a diamond in the desert which is a waste of time.

Disaster Fact #2: Not doing enough research. — Who is your target market? Are they freebie seekers or potential buyers? What is your method on providing solutions? You MUST have these benchmarks before you enter the Pinterest world.

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