Online Relationships – Making a Close Connection with Your Customers

Online Relationships – Making a Close Connection with Your Customers

An important fact for all marketers to remember is this: you don’t build your business. Sounds kind of strange doesn’t it? You’re the one that set it all up, you’re the one that works hard to make it a success, so how can it not be you that builds the business?

The answer is that it’s your customers who build your business. It’s easy to prove. Try running your business without a single customer. Your business would dry up like a drop of water in the desert at high noon. It sounds weird to read the next sentence, but it’s still true. Customer first, business second.

Anyone who thinks making a connection with the customer a priority isn’t that big of a deal doesn’t understand the damage a negative situation with a customer can wreak on your business. That’s even worse if the customer makes the situation go viral.

It’s amazing how many business owners forget that customers are their bread and butter, the reason the lights are on, the doors are open etc. Yes, they want your product, but if you fail to make a close connection with them, if you fail to care about their needs, then the next guy will certainly be waiting with a welcoming air.

The Big G – Authority On Google+

Google+ is a relative newcomer to the game of social media, but the truth of the matter is that it is not going anywhere. This is why you should sign up for a Google+ account. It is almost impossible to do anything on the internet without a Google product of some type. The company is extremely innovative and will be around for a long time because of it.

Google Hangouts 4 Business 8: Making money with Google Hangouts

Make tons of money by providing Live or Recorded Video Coaching

Video training is one of the things you can do in order to make money with Google Hangouts. Training can be about any topic that you are good at or deeply understand.

Offer your knowledge, and those who need help will come to you. This way, you get to work and be paid for it, just for helping someone receive training in the area they need.

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