SEO Keyword Research, SEO Myths, Tracking, Social Media & Don’t Work Anymore

You could make an argument that proper keyword research and implementation is the most important, and effective, SEO tool. That is because good keyword research…

1 – Helps you rank for the right keywords and phrases

2 – Reveals words and phrases relevant to your niche that are easy, moderately difficult and difficult to rank for

Without doing keyword research, you may chase particular words and phrases that have very difficult competition. There is absolutely no reason to even attempt to out-SEO the huge websites and companies that rank high for terms like “weight loss”. After you do some keyword research, you may find that a term such as “over 50 weight loss tips” is much easier to rank for, because it has a lot less competition.

Here are a few different types of keywords.

SEO-Friendly Design & Development and Creating Search Engine-Loving Content

The simplest web design tip you can practice is to have a professional developer build your site for you. In some cases though, you just don’t have the money to pay a web designer. The same is true for hiring and SEO specialist. No worries, because the following practices, tools and techniques make designing and developing your blog SEO-friendly, without being a pain in the neck, and they are rather easy to implement as well.

SEO for Beginners

logging doesn’t have to be hard. It does have to be planned. If you want to be a successful blogger, you need to do certain things that keep the search engines happy. When you take action in your business according to particular methods and systems, you effectively tell the Internet what your business is about.

The search engines will then send you traffic (web surfers) that they think will benefit from what you offer. This is what makes optimizing for the search engines so important. If you don’t do your job correctly, you get traffic that doesn’t really care about what you have to say. Done properly, you get plenty of free and targeted traffic, the exact people that you are looking for.

The 2017 SEO Ranking Strategies

The 2017 SEO Ranking Strategies

In this guide, we’re going to go over SEO ranking practices that will still yield results for today. We’re at a time now where backlink manipulation the old way ie: using PBN networks, ‘buying’ links and link profiles’ using spamming machines like GSA Ranker, simply don’t work.

First, if these do work, they won’t yield long term results because Google is constantly refining their algorithm and looking to take down new networks and pages that are used purely for SEO manipulation.

Second, if you’re looking to sell SEO as a service, no serious business that’s going to pay you a fair fee wants their content subjected to potential penalties. They’d rather work with a ‘slow and steady’ agency that does things the more ‘natural’ way, then one that promises page one rankings overnight.

So what does work? Is SEO as we know it pretty much dead? Not exactly.

An Introduction to SEO

An Introduction to SEO

Now it’s time to look at one of the biggest pillars of internet marketing of all: SEO.
SEO is ‘Search Engine Marketing’ and this basically means that you’re trying to get your website to show up in search results. Of course, you’re not going to be able to show up high in every search result and so this is where keywords and targeting come in.
A keyword is essentially a word or a phrase that people are going to search in order to find your site. When people go shopping online, they will almost always start with Google. And when they start with Google, they will begin by searching for the thing they want. Very often, this will mean that they search for something like ‘Buy Hats Online’.

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