Trick #1: Blast emails to your list. — Instead of asking your friends to follow you on WeChat, send emails to your list and let them know the benefits they are going to receive when they add you on “WeChat”. REMEMBER:  The more reasons you give your followers, the higher your chances to get them to follow you on WeChat.

Trick #2: Utilize QR codes on your website. — Even though this technique is a little outdated, but in reality, it will seduce other users to follow you on WeChat.

Trick #3: Utilize QR Codes on your thank you page as an extra bonus for your customers. – You can utilize this technique as a way to build a bonded relationship with your customers. This strategy is even more useful when you want to promote high ticket items.

Trick #4: Add One “post” per day to your audience that focuses on social proof. — If you are a weight loss consultant, it is important to show the “before” and “after” picture of each client you helped on transforming their life.

Trick #5: Add One “post” per day to your audience that focuses on educational post. — If you are a coach or a consultant, it is important to educate your audience with each story you publish on WeChat.

Remember: People love to claim that they are the best in the industry. The true experts know that relationship is everything in your business. The more “educational” posts you share with your audience, the higher the chances your audience will purchase any products you recommend.

Trick #6: Segment Your WeChat Followers. — You need to send messages to your core clients. You need to send messages to your customers. You need to send messages to your regular followers. It also means that when you send out messages to your WeChat Followers, you need to “Pick and Choose” which followers you are going to send out to. This allows you to satisfied different type of clients in your business.

Trick #7: Put your QR code on your blog. — This allows other WeChat users to add you to their WeChat account.

Trick #8: Greet each new follower that follow you on WeChat.  — The idea is to create a default “welcome video” where you can send to new followers who follow you on WeChat. Why is this important? Every personal touch you share with each follower will establish a “bonded” relationship with your audience.

Trick #9: Make friends with some WeChat users. — Why is this important? Well, when you make friends with 10 top WeChat  marketers, you are able to work together on repost each other posts. This allows you to grow your followers virally.

Trick #10: Add Powerful Profile Picture. – Everything is about your first impression. My point is… “You need to ask yourself whether the profile picture you display is that will help you grow or it will not help you with your cause.”

Trick #11: Connect Your WeChat to Facebook. – This is the key you MUST use to seduce more customers from both WeChat and Facebook. It will also allow you to have a viral aspect where your followers on Facebook will start following you on WeChat. NOTE: As more and more users are utilizing WeChat, by connecting your WeChat page to your Facebook account, it will help you to get more followers to your WeChat account faster.

Trick #12: Always tell your audience the reason “WHY” they need to follow you on WeChat. – Everything starts with the reason why. What I am trying to say is… “Find a way to ask your audience to tell their friends to join you on WeChat. It could be a cash contest. It could be a free gift in exchange for their free referrals. It could be anything at all.”

My point is… You always need to give your audience a win-win situation where your audience will find it useful to tell their friends about you.

Trick #13: Add signature file for every outgoing email. — You just need to mention something like… “P.S. You can always follow my every move on WeChat. Then, show them the snapcode where your audience can scan it.

Trick #14: Use your name as your WeChat username. — This allows you to create a branding process from the beginning stage. Instead of utilizing a username such as: alskask. Utilize a username such as: johndoe. This will further help you with the branding process.

Trick #15: Put your QR code everywhere on the Internet. –It could be on your thank you page, squeeze page, download page, members area, Facebook group, FB profile, and much more. The more you put your snapcode to any part of the virtual estate, the higher your chances to get followers for your business.

Trick #16: Add One “Post” per day in your local area. — Let’s just say if you reside in New York and you are a restaurant owner, you can add pictures of Happy Customers in your area. This allows local people who are in the area to visit your restaurant.

Trick #17: Create A Special Discount in Exchange to Following You on WeChat. — Create an incentive for your audience to Follow you on WeChat.


Create a contest where you can ask your audience to scan your snapcode where they can get a coupon code for a 90% discount on your latest product at $99. (Well, it doesn’t matter whether it is $99 product or $10 product. My point is… “Utilize the special discount”.

Trick #18: Create a cash contest. — You can use *real* cash as part of your contest where you ask people to follow you or engage conversation with your post on WeChat. In addition, you can also provide *gift certificate* that can be used to purchase your product.


1st Winner = $100 + $500 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.

2nd Winner =   $75 + $400 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.

3rd Winner =    $50 + $250 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.

4th Winner =    $25 + $150 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.

5th Winner =    $75 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.

Trick #19: Add  QR code on your flyers or business card . — This is vitally important for real estate brokers or local business owners.

Trick #20: Ask Your Audience to Share Your QR Code. — A lot of time, people will do it just for the fun of it especially when you become the authority figure in your niche.

Trick #21: Take Pictures with Other Authority Figure in Your Niche and Publish Them on WeChat. — When you publish pictures of other authority figures especially with their username on it, they are more than willing to reciprocate with you. It is that powerful.

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